demonstration house in Petersburg

Leading headings: Nina Farizova
A photo: Yuri Ivanov
Idea: Sergey Fedotov
Architect: Harald Nuremberg, Rainar Patch
Construction Manager: Nikolay Antonov
Magazine: (140)
This fachwerk office building is the demonstration house of OSKO-HAUS. It is unique. First, all the facades are glass. Secondly, he has a "torn" roof. This architectural technique allows you to add natural light to the house itself. Inside the building is divided into office and demonstration parts. On the ground floor there are work rooms, a spacious kitchen-dining room and meeting room. On the second - demonstration zones, decorated as a normal living space. There is a kitchen, a dining room, and a large bathroom ... White color dominates the interiors. Bright accents are the black glossy kitchen facades and red flower vases. And it should be said about another advantage of such glass half-timbered houses - about the absence of a border between the interior and the exterior. This creates a unique effect of reuniting architecture with nature.