Design miami basel: swarovski names new designers

В июне в швейцарском Базеле состоится выставка Design/Miami Basel — главное событие art & design. Компания Swarovski представит молодых перспективных дизайнеров. Ежегодно бренд выбирает новые имена, с которыми связывает надежды на инновационные решения и эксперименты с передовыми технологиями.

Srinivasan Anjali (Anjali Srinivasan)

Designer from India Anjali Srinivasan.

She graduated from the National Institute of Fashion Technology in New Delhi, has a bachelor's degree in fine arts. Since 2000 he has been working with glass, later he is fond of digital technologies. The designer successfully combines two professional interests and has an extensive artistic practice, creating sculptures and numerous installations. In Dubai, Anjali Srinivasan creates his own studio ChoChoMa Studios, which also works with glass, carrying out individual orders. In addition to his own successful projects, Srinivasan is actively engaged in teaching in the USA, Scandinavian countries and Australia.

Studio Brynjar & Veronika

Немецко-исландский дизайнерский дуэт Studio Brynjar & Veronika.

Немецко-исландский дизайн-дуэт Вероника Селдмайер (Veronika Sedlmair) и Бриньяр Сигурдарсон (Brynjar Sigurðarson). Их студия существует с 2011 года и находится в Берлине. Профессиональный интерес дизайнеров связан с изучением природы и экологии Исландии. Studio Brynjar & Veronika создает небольшие графические серии, работает с мебелью, аксессуарами, одеждой, используя самые разные материалы – дерево, кость, мех, кожу, металл и др. В качестве источника вдохновения нередко использует традиции культуры Исландии и ее народных промыслов.

Yuri Suzuki (Yuri Suzuki)

Japanese artist Yuri Suzuki.

Japanese artist working with sound DJ. Born in 1980 in Tokyo. He graduated from the Royal College of Art in London. During the training he collaborated with the Japanese company Yamaha. In 2008, he opened his own studio in London. In his work he studies the effect of sound on human nature. Creates unusual objects - experimental sound installations, also works in the genre of sound installations, which are shown all over the world. In 2013, Yuri Suzuki founds YS Lab - a creative lab collaborates with Disney, consults Google and Panasonic.

Design Miami / Basel will be held in Basel from 14 to 19 June 2016.