Dane Bjarke Ingels (Bjarke Ingels, born 1974) is the star of a generation of young architects who have been in active design for the past fifteen years. Along with him are the Englishman Thomas Hiservik, the German Ole Sheren, the Chinese Ma Yansun, running.
On the topic of the 10 most ambitious buildings in 2017
Led by Ingels, architectural firm BIG Bjarke Ingels Group with offices in Copenhagen and New York designs, consults, predicts and professionally analyzes problems. Field of activity - architecture, urbanism, environmental design.

“Europeans are interested in new types of life devices, are ready to use car-sharing, public transport and prefer bicycles. We need to look for new urban solutions for a generation that wants to live, work and spend leisure time in a different way, ”says Bjarke in an interview with INTERIOR + DESIGN.
His proprietary strategy is to design residential buildings, temporary pavilions, museums or break parks, combine the principles of sustainable development with the most modern concepts of social development. Bjarke appreciates good sociologists and has a real sense for the most promising research in this area.

In everything that BIG designs, there is an imprint of the coming civilization, which, thanks to Bjarke’s efforts, realizes here and now. It is no coincidence that the 2011 edition of the Wall Street Journal named him the most innovative architect of the year. And in 2016, Ingels entered the list of the 100 most influential people in the world according to Time Magazine.

The team Bjarke Ingels designed in different parts of the world, and also participated in large international projects. Among the most famous works are the VIA 57 WEST residential complex in Manhattan, Copenhagen residential complexes (the most famous of which 8 House brought Bjarka Ingels world fame), the expansion of the Kimball Art Center museum space in Utah, the building of the Google North Bayshore headquarters in California Mountain View, the building of the National Danish Maritime Museum in Elsinore, and of course. Denmark pavilion at the 2010 Expo in Shanghai.

Bjarke Ingels was born in 1974 in Copenhagen. He wanted to be a multiplier, in 1993 he began to study at the architectural faculty of the Danish Academy of Fine Arts, hoping to improve the drawing technique. A few years later, he really took a great interest in architecture and continued his education in Barcelona. While still a third year student at the High Technical School in Barcelona, he opened his studio and won the first architectural competition. Another important point in the biography - three years from 1998 to 2001, Bjarke Ingel worked under Rem Koolhaas in the OMA - where he learned to think big, set a high goal and see how to reach it.