Аки и Арно Коорен (Aki & Arnaud Cooren) — франко-японский дизайн-дуэт — спроектировали для ClassiCon модную консоль.
По теме: Färg & Blanche: кресло для самурая
The novelty is called Tadaima: in Japanese, this expression means “I came back” - it is usually pronounced when it comes home from work. Worktop with a small recess is designed for all those small things that are usually carried in your pocket. They can be put in the "bowl", returning in the evening, and again pick up in the morning before leaving the house. Console offer to put in the hallway or hallway - just lean it against the wall. Narrow and compact, the model is suitable even for modest-sized rooms.

The eastern approach is also readable in the choice of form: the console with its smooth, flowing outlines resembles a tree branch. So the designers decided to bring a sense of nature into the house. The material is oak wood: natural shade, brown or black, in a transparent varnish. Support with an antiskid slip. The model was presented at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2017 exhibition.