Experienced interior makers appreciate dining room furniture made in different styles.

Organization of shooting and interviews: Elena Efremova
Magazine: N11 (221) 2016
Architect Gleb Komissarov:
“In my projects I rarely use round tables, but Flute impressed me with its simplicity of design and ease of form. This table is the perfect solution for small spaces. This size helps it to look elegant: one central metal support facilitates the construction, the chamfer around the perimeter of the marble worktop visually makes it even thinner. The Emperador Dark stone used here, thanks to its deep color, will perfectly fit into any interior in any color scheme and will add to it the sophistication and brilliance of a natural stone. ”
Architect Gleb Komissarov
Flute table, Ventura chair, Poliform, Hall Oscar - Poliform (St. Petersburg)
Architect Gleb Komissarov
Flute table, Ventura chair, Poliform, Hall Oscar - Poliform (St. Petersburg)
Designer Katerina Mamaeva:
“I am glad that the tradition of creating full-fledged canteens is back. But it is not always possible to make a dining room in a separate room, most often it is adjacent to the living room. And one of the advantages of the TURRI brand canteens is that they easily integrate into the living room interior. Thanks to a unique finish (striped or spotty finishes under durable varnish, developed by this factory), a harmonious ensemble of furniture and decorative wall panels is obtained. The success of the brand in its uniqueness and consistency. This dining table is convenient because it has one support, it can accommodate a larger number of guests than at a traditional table on four legs. He as a work of art is able to decorate the ceremonial interior. And of course, this brand is known to many, the pieces of furniture in its performance are an indicator of the status and good taste of its owners. ”
Designer Katerina Mamaeva
Table from the collection Dec – Art, Turri, salon Turri
Designer Katerina Mamaeva
Table from the collection Dec – Art, Turri, salon Turri
Designer Marina Poklontseva:
“I love to use black tables in my projects: they attract attention and become key accents. This is a traditional family table. It is impressive in size and requires a lot of space around and beautifully decorated surroundings. Tradition is read in every detail: carved elements, animalistic motifs, a combination of matte surfaces with glossy, blue velvet upholstery of soft chairs with brass studs in the finish. In terms of style, this is a delicate mix of classic and art deco that allows you to create a harmonious eclectic interior, rather than follow the outline of a particular style. ”