This is a must see

Meuble exhibition in Paris

Passing the gallery

Text: Olga Korotkova

A photo: Sergey Morgunov

Magazine: N4 (126) 2008

Выставка Meuble проходила в те же дни, что и Maison&Objet. В паре-тройке километров от выставочного комплекса, в знаменитом на весь мир авиационном местечке Ле Бурже (это город летчиков - наподобие подмосковного Жуковского, только во французском варианте)

Пока никто не знает, как эта выставка впишется в мировую обойму гигантов мебельно-выставочного бизнеса. Прошла она впервые. Организаторы назвали ее mustsee event - событием, которое стоит увидеть. Все посетители красивейшей декоративной ярмарки Maison & Objet сочли своим долгом посетить и мебельную. По плану эти две выставки должны взаимодополнять друг друга, примерно как муж и жена, при всей своей разности являясь единым целым.

Understanding perfectly well that a modern house cannot be furnished in a single style, the organizers divided the huge exhibition space into clear thematic sections. The idea is new and, in our opinion, successful and very convenient. You could choose several atmospheres for your home: the atmosphere of the classics or the atmosphere of an epoch, the atmosphere of charm or ethnicity, the theme "inside / outside." In addition, individual fashion trends were presented in the pavilions with the general theme of Living: Soft Living, Today Living (here also included Kids - furniture for children's rooms) and, finally, the trendy Loft Living theme. It's nice that the level of participants allows us to characterize the exhibition as elite. Based on the exacting taste and, accordingly, a tight wallet.

The exhibition at Le Bourget was very French. As for the atmosphere, the selection and design of expositions, and the "nationality" of the participants. There were so many pleasant little local factories that there is no way to show and describe them all.

What is the value of visiting a good exhibition? Not to buy a lot. Or just buy something. The value is to understand yourself. To reveal in yourself the secret desires, to refine the taste, to realize the objective environment in which you can feel yourself, if not happily, then absolutely comfortable. There, at the exhibition, you need to get enough of it, sate the eyesight and memory. Everything else will start later. In general, this is a must see.