Signs of the times

Objects in the spirit of the Renaissance

Passing the gallery

Leading headings: Marina Volkova

A photo: Alexey Soloviev, Konstantin Filatov (Bird Ru studio)

Magazine: N6 (117) 2007

В последнее время коллекционеры и просто любители антиквариата все чаще вспоминают о Ренессансе. Objects in the spirit of the Renaissance - желанная редкость. Архитекторам и дизайнерам этот стиль импонирует не меньше, ведь вещи такого рода, безусловно, обогатят любой интерьер

For the Renaissance, there were characteristic objects in which a subtle, almost jewelry finish was combined with a rather massive form. The grander and more elegant the product was, the more valuable it was. These masterpieces could not afford a few, no wonder such things were perceived as attributes of a certain status of the owner. Subsequently, turning to the Renaissance, the masters of arts and crafts remembered this principle more than once. As a result, they produced products that today embody an idea of ​​luxury. Before us are two magnificent things from this series - a very sophisticated Venetian mirror in an intricate frame and a noticeable rarity - ornate table clock in excellent preservation.