Design fashionable wicker furniture

A photo: Vitaly Nefedov, Kirill Ovchinnikov
Text: Olga Korotkova
Magazine: N6 (84) 2004
If you recall, when the Europeans introduced wicker furniture into their home use, it turns out that for a very, very long time, you should not even consider it. In Asia and the East, it is known even earlier, from antediluvian (literally) times. In the era of the great colonial campaigns, the British and French, at first, as temporary workers, simply used furniture made by the aborigines. And later they began to bring chests and suitcases home first, and then chairs, chairs, tables, etc. Of course, they won fame as rocking chairs. Gradually in Europe began to develop their own crafts. But the competition was not made: the best material for the manufacture of wicker things is still rattan - the stem of a tropical liana, as well as abaca - a harness obtained from the fibers of the leaves of a banana tree. In the European version used a willow vine, linden bark (the famous Russian bast shoes). But the point is not where the wicker furniture was born and what it is made of. Ethnic chic, exotic names (water lily, or water hyacinth, bamboo, sisal, etc.) are not the main reasons for the attractiveness of all these colonial products. Recently, wicker furniture has been transformed into a field for design experiments: both traditional raw materials and polyurethane harness, genuine leather and various substitutes are used, and the main focus of furniture companies is to introduce the most up-to-date design features to the ancient craft. Forms are becoming fashionable, lines are avant-garde, concepts are humorous. Needless to say, the use of wicker furniture is much broader than a garden and garden theme: it is now not only in the chill-out, but also in the bedroom and in the living room - in general, wherever you want.