To build a house, plant a tree, raise a child ... The British do not set themselves such global tasks. If in life we managed to create at least one real garden, we can assume that it was lived not in vain. Perhaps that is why in England there are so many beautiful gardens that are inherited not only by the descendants of the garden owner, but also to all of us. At least one of them definitely has a Russian soul, because Holywell Park owes its appearance to the prince and princess Golitsyn. Picturesque English landscapes are famous, perhaps, no less than English traditions or English fogs. Each county has its own beauty. Among the fertile lowlands of Kent, the steep cliffs of Wales, the transparent bodies of water of the Lake District, the pastoral plains of Lincolnshire occupy a worthy place. It is hardly surprising that this blooming corner of eastern England attracted the attention of Prince and Princess Golitsyn. Searching for a rural house, a descendant of one of the most distinguished families of Tsarist Russia chose the Holywell estate. The Golitsyn lived an active social life and rotated in the highest circles of English society. The couple were closely acquainted with Margaret Thatcher, a former classmate of the princess. In their rural estate, they were going to not only relax, but also lead a normal life, arranging big receptions in the house and the adjacent park. Although the house was built in the middle of the XVI century, only a few fragments have survived from the original construction. The last significant changes in the architecture of the estate were made in the XVIII century. The elegant facade in the style of Regency belongs to this time. In the 18th century, the surrounding buildings were erected: a small church, a greenhouse, a stable and a charming fisherman's house. The purchase of two neighboring farms significantly increased the park area of the estate. Despite the beauty, the park looked rather neglected, and the princess enthusiastically took up its development. Aware of the complexity of her task, she turned to landscape designer Bunny Guinness, who had repeatedly helped her in the organization of park landscapes. The project was based on the idea of creating a traditional English, so-called landscape, park. The landscape gardens that came into fashion at the beginning of the last century were a kind of hallmark of the English landscape style. The hostess of the estate conceived to break up several different small gardens. The first was the Garden of Water, in the center of which is located the fountain. Although she planned Bunny gardens, Princess Golitsyna was directly involved in the work. For example, she suggested decorating a mauve fence with plants of the same shade. However, the designer also gave vent to fantasy: a boxwood curb, framing a terrace, an alley of lindens woven by branches, a staircase with rounded steps leading to the greenhouse, a small waterfall appeared so ... its completely unique. Unfortunately, the owner of the estate was not able to see all her ideas realized. However, Bunny Guinness continued to work on the park after the death of the Princess, embodying her long-time fantasy - the Garden of Flavors. When he was finished, Holywell finally became what the last mistress wanted to see.