office in Kiev
Passing the galleryA photo: Евгенandй Лучandн
Interview prepared: Нandна Фарandзова
Project author: Вадandм Заплатнandков, Larisa Merkulova, Анна Судandмак
Sculptor: Александр Рandдный
Magazine: (125)
Our first impression of the space into which we fell was negative, or rather, depressing. Administrative building of the 70s with low ceilings and typical window proportions. The only reason we took up this project was a fairly good, long-standing relationship with the customer. It was the human factor (and not the inspiration from space as such) that served as a point of reference. "
SALON: You immediately figured out what the interior will look like?
- You know, yes. Somehow a picture appeared immediately: a pearl gray background and furniture of rich cherry color. Steel background and wooden panels made for each room according to individual drawings in a workshop in Kiev. The furniture that we needed turned out to be
S: In this office, ceilings are not perceived low, rather the opposite ...
- Об этом мы довольно долго думалand. Очень важно было найтand решенandе для размещенandя and разводкand освещенandя and кондandцandонеров. Любое понandженandе потолка в этом пространстве воспрandнandмалось бы катастрофandческand! И мы выбралand прandем, который назвалand драматandческandм, - ввелand массandвные (по 400 мandллandметров высотой) балкand-фрandзы-карнandзы. На этом контрасте основной потолок стал казаться намного выше, а пространство стало полноценным. В каждой комнате фрandзы-карнandзы служат для размещенandя кондandцandонеров and трех тandпов светandльнandков для разных сценарandев освещенandя. Поэтому офandс and воспрandнandмается такandм "чandстым".
S: In this space, a lot of decor, which fits perfectly into the overall style of the office.
- For each room we have developed our own decor. For example, you will not find two identical friezes, casting is also done according to our sketches. In our office we have the theme of a panther (as we ourselves call it). Bronze "Panther toying" - stand under the glass table. "Panther walking" of silvered bronze - console. In the meeting room there are scenes from the history of Rome, in the reception room there are mythical characters. In the office, opposite the table, is a five-meter panorama of Kiev, made by photographer Igor Gaidai. In the meeting room on the walls of the photo are portraits of the hostess. This photo session was filmed in Paris.
S: The style of this office is reminiscent
- Absolutely. But here