московский ресторан "Пирр" Yuri Andreev, Evgeny Miklash
Passing the gallery
A photo: Evgeny Luchin
Text: Nadezhda Serebryakova
Architect: Yuri Andreev, Evgeny Miklash
Painter: Aldis Karkovskis, Maria Karkovskis
Magazine: (30)
"I wanted a light sensation, a bit of a nostalgic sketch of a bygone time, no more." Well, the authors' intention was fully embodied in the interior of the restaurant "Pierre" (B. Nikitskaya st., 19). More recently, in its place were the sad catacombs, littered with the obsolete wreckage-symbols of the recent past. Now, as a result of the "archaeological" efforts of artists and architects, the "ruins" welcome visitors. There are practically no address architectural quotations here, the feeling of old textures is emphasized by decorative means. Interior accessories, of course, also not from the "dusty" times. Curious effects were achieved with the help of lighting. Thus, in a certain way, the highlighted fabric above the tables looks like a ceiling painting. In general, it remains to hope that the terrible name of the restaurant is just a nice joke, "a nostalgic sketch, no more," and no victories at the cost of huge losses in the army (Pyrrhic victories) are assumed here.