Chill out: a mood game

Modern living room: style, furnishings, accessories

Passing the gallery

Leading headings: Elena Prytula

Magazine: (70)

No matter what anyone says, but the main room in the house is a living room, the mere mention of which makes one plunge into pleasant thoughts about rest. However, rest is a subjective concept: for some, reading, for others, interactive television, for the third it is communication with friends. But above all, the living room is the embodiment of ideas about traditional home comfort, because this is exactly the place where the whole family gathers in the evening. Is it possible to realize such different desires in one living room? Of course! And the whole secret is in the game of mood. The development of interior design has always gone to meet human weaknesses, although the desire to communicate would be more appropriately called a necessity. As it is known from history, people loved to talk to each other always - they loved so much that at some point in the premises there were specially designated premises. One should not think that our ancestors were completely devoid of existential loneliness: in the Middle Ages, for example, they successfully coped with them in the emerging walking galleries. Despite the fact that outwardly these galleries very remotely resembled modern living rooms (if only because they did not have furniture), their very atmosphere with entertaining conversations prevailing there seems not so far from the modern living-room. Later it became clear that the more active life became in the outside world, the more calm people were looking for in a private world - in their own home. And from the galleries gradually abandoned, replacing them with special rooms, also intended for communication. Strolling during the conversation stopped - now the guests talked standing up. It is obvious that the appearance of upholstered furniture in these halls - without exaggeration, a cult piece of furniture in a modern house - can be compared in importance, perhaps, only with the discovery of electricity. Today it already seems strange that this momentous event took place by historical standards not too long ago - around the XVIII century. As for the XIX century, it is enough to remember that the action of the overwhelming majority of the novels of that time takes place in the living rooms - the real focus of secular society. As a rule, there were several living rooms in the house: for official receptions and more friendly and intimate meetings, different rooms were specially created. While accepting a guest in one of these rooms, the hosts showed their attitude to it, so the expanded symbolism of the living rooms was not inferior to the intricacy of etiquette of time. By the way, the adherents of the classical style and today want to see in their house large and small living rooms. However, the modern interpretation of this part of the house is distinguished by exceptional freedom - in the choice of style, the selection of pieces of furniture and accessories necessary for rest and relaxation. And yet - freedom of mood: this is what today it is accepted to call gracefully chill out ...