Comments by the founding father of "serial" minimalism Pierre-Luigi Frigetto on the evolutionary development of style
Passing the gallery
Text: Natalya Sedyakina
Magazine: Na (47) 2001
Minimalism has no historical prototypes, unlike, for example, from neo-classicism, which adapts, or even simply copies, samples of historical palace styles. Minimalism is advancing in cultural reality, as it were, to the touch, it is lonely and progressive. Rumors about his death are greatly exaggerated: this direction is not destined to die, because it embodies in design a part of our "industrial" consciousness. But it is already clear that his fate is not easy. Comments on the evolutionary development of style in general and the modern stage in particular are given by the founding father of “serial” minimalism. Pierre Luigi Frigetto.SALON. Mr. Frigetto, how do you define the style of "minimalism"? - I find it difficult to talk about abstract interpretations of minimalism, since I deal with specific models. We tried to embody this style in something familiar to the house, for housing. I do not think that minimalism has ended its existence, has completed its development, as many now say. Apparently, some interpretations should be sought - more weighty, more important. Recently, I changed the situation in one of the rooms of my house (I, of course, have only Frighetto furniture). And the next day, entering there, I felt "not at ease". I felt uncomfortable, I wanted to change something. And then I put a plaid on the sofa and put flowers on the table. This situation made me think about the general concept of Frighetto products.S. In minimalism, the texture range is extremely limited and every detail is very significant. Any chance can break the harmony, and the blanket can be just such a chance ... - I think about the future of Frighetto furniture. And I see it, firstly, very functional, and secondly, it is still meant for a person. And she should be nice to him. I think that at a certain point, at the peak of the popularity of minimalism, we went too far, we got too carried away. And it was a mistake. Some of our items were completely minimal. For example, the kitchen, made entirely of steel. It was as if taken from the operating room, and it was not clear what to do with it. Now we need to look for a middle ground. Therefore, in the near future a new stage of our development will begin. We will change our advertising concept. Our catalogs are already being processed. And besides cabinet and upholstered furniture, we are going to produce our own accessories: blankets, rugs, vases, lamps, curtains. We set the task to bring decorativeness into minimalism. We want to create a lifestyle from Frighetto.S. An Italian architect told me an interesting thing: "Minimalism is an adult human condition." At what age did you become a minimalist? - Minimalist not wake up one morning. Still, these are some circumstances, the spirit of the moment. The process is gradual.S. That is growing up ... - Well yes. (Laughs.) Perhaps this is due to character, to the perception of things. For example, I love order. In addition, much, of course, is associated with childhood. The first pieces of furniture that I remember were of Swedish production. Cool Scandinavian design. Thin legs. Thirty years ago, classic furniture was in fashion, and everyone admired some carved flowers. And I could not look at them. I admired what then no one understood.S. How are your ideas born, do you see them in a dream? What becomes the generator of these ideas? - The amount of thoughts. Sometimes it happens completely unexpectedly. You travel, you see some beautiful tree, and suddenly a thought arises in your head - oh, that’s how it should be! And we are talking about the handle of the cabinet or the table leg. That is, an idea happens to be born under the impression. I just have such a deep love for all that we produce, and I know so well the whole process of embodiment that the generation of ideas is no longer spontaneous, but deliberate, at the level of a conditioned reflex. I am constantly in a state of design. It is very important that the relationship with the designer was close. Even at the level of the energy relationship. For example, we will not sit with him near the machine. We will go to Lake Garda, where beautiful mountains, beautiful flowers, sit down, turn off the phones. We will talk about everything for two days. And something will work out. For me, this communication is not just the cooperation of the factory owner with the designer. It is very important to create close relationships, because their result will be not just a collection, it is, after all, a piece of life lived together.S. How is your work with George Pensy progressing? - Good. We are preparing to show in Milan a new joint product that will headline our cooperation. We will present a collection of not upholstered furniture, but cabinet - cabinets, storage systems. And accessories, as I said.S. I understand where Paola Navone’s minimalism comes from, she lived in the East for a long time, and where does yours come from? - I lived all my life only in Europe. My minimalism is a feeling that lives inside. However, I travel a lot. In March of this year, I had a kind of record: I flew 120 hours in 15 days.S. Maybe that's why minimalism is so cosmopolitan? - Yes of course. But nevertheless, minimalism is generally very personal. I think that the most important thing after all is interpretation in a specific space. This furniture must be seen in the space of a certain fullness. All the details of my furniture is a combination of thickness. Everything that makes up the aspect of visibility should be nice. The proportion must be maintained, the thing must be correct and comfortable. Appropriate in any interior. What we produce is sold in any country and finds its fans everywhere - in the States, in Russia, in Japan, in Scandinavia, in Italy. We pay great attention to the details, because we believe that the products are obtained from them. The most difficult thing is working with thin steel legs. Despite the seeming simplicity, a lot of technical effort has been put into minimalism. And design, of course.S. In your opinion, if it were not for you, then minimalism would never have appeared? - I think this part of consciousness generated by industrial culture is in each of us. I am not the only genius of minimalism. This confirms my experience with designers. There is no pronounced dominant in our communication, I never impose my opinion. When designing individual items, I generally give full freedom to the designer. And only during the creation of a collection, product line, I have to somehow restrain the designer imagination.S. What is your favorite collection? - Always the last. I think this is natural. Otherwise, a person would consider himself satisfied, would love his past, and not look to the future. His mind would become static. Therefore, the work of many designers at a certain point reaches its apogee and then freezes, as it were. Their works become recognizable, and their collections look alike, even if they are intended for different factories. I, having done some thing and seeing that she likes many, leave it. Maybe it even bothers the company, because I switch to the next project too quickly.S. Speaking of lifestyle, we are talking about the value system: it’s not only the interior, but also the car, and the clock, and the hobby, and much more ... What car should the Frighetto fan drive? - It seems to me that our consumer will prefer PORSCHE.S. And personally what brand of cars do you prefer? - I have already changed three PORSCHE. Until recently, he loved to drive on a BMW motorcycle.S. In whom of the Italians do you see your real competitors in the strength of design ideas? - In some ways, of course, Cappellini are close to us, but rather not by design (they have a slightly different focus), but by the audience for which the factory’s products are designed.