Natural flowers

An interactive installation by Japanese designers tells about the relationship of all living things.

Passing the gallery

A photo: Dmitry Livshits

Leading headings: Marina Volkova

Magazine: N5 (215) 2016

An interactive installation by Japanese designers tells about the relationship of all living things.

The installation of Floating Flower Garden, created by the Japanese design bureau teamLab, immersed the viewer in a wonderful world. Coming under a tall white dome, you fell into Eden: hundreds of flowers hovered over you. When you approached, they came to life, began to move, giving way: they rose, let go, and descended behind you, as if inviting me to begin a conversation with them. How this, according to legend, was once done by a learned monk, who sought to understand the laws of life. Walking through the blooming garden, he realized the main thing: everything alive, whether plant or human, came from one root. The Japanese believe that it is time for us, in the era of man-made disasters, to just remember this, to which we dedicated our poetic work.

Дизайнерам удалось осуществить действительно сложную техническую задачу: благоухающие цветы продолжали расти и цвести на протяжении всей выставки Maison&Objet, в рамках которой был реализован проект, благодаря тому что флористы сохранили корни и обеспечили им необходимое питание. Всего было использовано более 2000 растений. Специально для показа Floating Flower Garden также записали медитативный саундтрек.