The creation of this philosophical garden by landscape designers Eugene Sverchkov and Andrey Dovbnya inspired the mysterious work of da Vinci

Leading headings: Marina Volkova
Magazine: N11 (221) 2016
The project by Evgenia and Andrey, named “The Secret of the Madonna”, was implemented within the Moscow Flower Show 2016 and received a silver medal in the category “Art in the Garden”. This year has been declared the year of cinema in Russia, and the designers have designed their garden so that it resembled a cinema. There is a screen with a large print- “frame”, the rows of chairs are lined up by thuis, and the tracks are laid out in the form of film.
A film – parable is shown in this cinema hall: the philosophical concept is laid in the planning of the garden, and it was repelled when choosing plants. The center of the composition was a screen depicting the work of Leonardo da Vinci “Mary with the Baby Christ, St. Anna and John the Baptist”. The designers found in the picture an encrypted image of the tree of life and the staff of the Savior and decided to embody the idea of a future Eden in the garden project. In front of the screen, an artificial reservoir was made with a sink and a pearl in it, symbolizing the human soul. Tapes tracks refer to the path of life. And on the right side of the site they put a mirror portal depicting the very tree of life.
Plants also convey the desire for inner harmony and the search for their path. So, the "backbone" of landscape composition became boxwood, trimmed in the form of balls. They are complemented by juniper, pines, willows and thujas. Flower haze created using roses, delphiniums, lobelia and gypsophila. Designers say that this garden symbolically depicts Eden, the onset of the Golden Age, when a person will live in harmony with nature and himself, but first he must go through the thorny path of life.
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