Reliable and undemanding greenhouse "Butterfly" in the opened form is similar to a giant translucent insect that landed in the dacha or garden. In the closed state, it is rather a cocoon that supports the microclimate needed for plant ripening.
Когда огородник задумывается о приобретении парника, он исходит в первую очередь из того, что именно будет там расти. Парник «Бабочка» — отличный выбор для любителей рассады и melons культур.
Gable конструкция этого парника довольно проста: четыре борта, две рамы, узкая верхняя часть. Материал каркаса — металлопластиковые или пластиковые профили. For покрытия применяют поликарбонат, реже — polyethylene.
When opened, the frames look like straightened ones. wings присевшей бабочки, отсюда и название. Frames могут быть сплошными либо состоять из секций, открывающихся по отдельности. Во втором случае можно polyethyleneовой плёнкой разделить пространство парника по количеству секций на отделения и высадить в них разные культуры. Внутри отделений создаются необходимые микроклиматические условия. Если же рамы цельные, показатели во всём парнике будут одинаковые.
- 1 Advantages and disadvantages of the Butterfly greenhouse
- 2 The choice of materials and space for the greenhouse
- 3 Parts manufacturing and assembly
- 4 Rules of operation "Butterflies"
- 5 Preparing a greenhouse for winter hibernation
Advantages and disadvantages of the Butterfly greenhouse
Greenhouse "Butterfly" has a lot merits:
- Rational use of space. Inside there are no passages, access to plants through the opening frames, which makes it possible to use the whole space of the greenhouse with advantage;
- Convenience of work with landings;
- Ventilation greenhouse through special vents;
- The presence of shock absorberscontrolling the opening and closing of frames;
- Strength. Теплица способна выдерживать порывы ветра скоростью до 20 м/с и снежный покров десятисантиметровой толщины. Если этого not enough, конструкцию можно упрочить подпорками;
- Simplicity assembly;
- The greenhouse perfectly retains heat;
- Cheaper;
- Long service life;
- Ease of maintenance.
Disadvantages the “Butterfly” is a little bit and they, as a rule, are easily eliminated. We list them:
- Uneven, poorly machined holes for mounting - burrs are corrected by a file;
- Low quality paint applied to the frame, sometimes it can peel off during the installation of the structure - the issue is solved by re-painting;
- Weak, unreliable loops for frames - loops are standard, they can be replaced;
- If you decide to cover the greenhouse not with polycarbonate, but with a film, you may encounter the fact that the supports in the form of large arcs and the lower strapping for it will be not enough and the material will squeeze. But the greater the thickness of the coating, the less likely to be faced with a similar problem. Do not take for the "Butterfly" thin, soft film.
The design is extremely convenient, and with the shortcomings the hardworking owner quickly will cope.
The choice of materials and space for the greenhouse
The greenhouse must be on open flat place, lit most of the time in direct sunlight. For the same reasons, it is oriented along the cardinal points: the length along the north-south axis, the width along the east-west axis.
So as not to accumulate under it water, position the greenhouse on a natural or artificial elevation. The foundation of concrete or cement is best suited for this purpose.
If you do not want to buy ready design, but prefer to do everything with your own hands, then metalplastic square profiles are ideal as a material. But it is possible to make a frame both from a tree, and from scraps of pipes if there is an opportunity to use the welding machine. The wooden frame must undergo an antiseptic treatment, for greater safety, you can apply oil paint to it.
For покрытия лучше взять не polyethylene, а качественный поликарбонат — он гибок, прочен, надёжно защитит рассаду не только от ветра и осадков, но и от ультрафиолетовых лучей. Некоторые дачники предпочитают стекло. Можно пустить в дело старые оконные рамы, сэкономив на материале.
Parts manufacturing and assembly
Dimensions Future greenhouses are determined based on the layout of the site and the needs of the crops that you plan to grow in it. So, melons do not require high sides, but other plants are not so unpretentious. The universal solution is an arched frame design, but it is harder to make yourself than a rectangular one. Knowing the dimensions, apply the markup on the site.
For foundation по периметру выкапывается котлован 50−60 см в глубину и заливается бетоном. For большей прочности бетон армируют стальными прутьями. Затем изготавливаются борта.
If the frame material is selected the boards, their thickness should be from 2.5 cm. Boards can be:
- single;
- double;
- folding.
For growing melons crops better make them transparent, for example, glaze. So the seedlings will be weatherproof, but at the same time be under maximum lighting. The sides are fitted as tightly as possible and are placed strictly according to the marking, attached to the base with metal corners. Flaps are attached to concrete using door or piano hinges.
Frames attached to the sides, too, with the help of loops. If the frames are glazed, then additional supports will be needed to avoid structural deflection. Place metal or wooden posts in two rows along the center line of the greenhouse and fasten the upper part of the greenhouse on them, and then the frames go to the hinges.
Frames "Butterflies" can not themselves be kept in the open state. To work quietly in a greenhouse, you will need stops for them. For example, specially prepared wooden bars with a U-shaped bracket at one end. For reliability, provide overhead plates on the sides, in which it will be possible to clamp these bars. And so that the wind could not overturn the frame in the opposite direction, special cords are used to hold it in the desired position.
Накройте парник поликарбонатом, плёнкой или остеклите её — и парник готов. Очень важно обеспечить герметичность стыков. Как уже писалось выше, с этим хорошо will cope силиконовый герметик. Места соприкосновения бортов с фундаментом или почвой нуждаются в дополнительной защите — отрез линолеума или резина вполне сгодятся.
All wooden elements must be soaked with antiseptic and treated with oil paint.
For удобства работы с растениями рекомендуем предусмотреть крючки на бортиках для вёдер и прочего.
Rules of operation "Butterflies"
If you use a greenhouse for growing different types of crops, tabs a film space on zones under each of them.
- In the warm season, you can leave the frame open for the whole day, but after a cold snap, this is unacceptable.
- To increase isolation from the cold, use slatted frames with film to create double protection. In such greenhouses, seedlings are successfully planted in the spring 10–15 days earlier; the period of fruiting of plants is increased by a month.
- For glaze An ordinary garden watering will do, but drip irrigation is possible.
- Scourge and fruit of melon should not touch the floor. To prevent this from happening, U-shaped elements are placed near the sides, on which rails are laid with a step of 7–8 cm. As soon as the seedlings become higher than the supports, they are immediately placed under the rod so that the plants do not get damaged when they grow even more.
Preparing a greenhouse for "hibernation"
- Whole polyethylene must be removed, rinsed and dried. Store in a dry place until next season.
- Polycarbonate or glass is also washed, but not removed.
- It is recommended to disinfect the soil before wintering with special means.
- Old vegetation is removed.
- Frame they clean it from the inside, metal parts are greased, rusty ones are replaced.
- If defects are noticed, the greenhouse needs to be put in order.
- In the old dirt in the spring may appear pests, general cleaning in the greenhouse significantly reduces this risk.
Build «Бабочку» или купить ready — независимо от вашего выбора, этот парник в любом случае принесёт пользу в хозяйстве.