Cisal: how to find the perfect faucet

Компания Cisal входит в концерн Huber, который занимает четвертое место в Италии по оборотам и является одним из крупнейших в Европе поставщиков картриджей и термостатов; «начинку» от Huber используют большинство европейских фабрик, производящих смесители. О традициях, достижениях и перспективах Cisal рассказывает Jacob Kanjo. «Сisal производит как дизайнерские экспериментальные модели, задающие тенденции, так и вещи более приземленные, но соответствующие современным трендам европейского рынка сантехники. В линейке фабрики более 25 коллекций. Они выпускаются в классических покрытиях — хром, золото, никель, матовый никель, бронза, медь, а также в модных сейчас цветах палитры RAL в сочетании с деревом и даже мрамором. Например, в новой коллекции под названием Harlock дизайнера Фабио Ротеллы в одной модели могут сочетаться сразу три покрытия, а общее количество комбинаций насчитывает более тридцати.

Call Mixer Vita, diz. K. Rashid. Color: Black Titanium.

Cisal is constantly surprised by innovative developments. Such as, for example, a thermostatic mixer on a sink or a bidet on one hole, which cannot be distinguished from the usual in size and appearance. The factory has its own design bureau, however it cooperates with invited authors. Karim Rashid, Nevio Tellatin, Giampiero Peyia, Fabio Rotella, who became the art director of the company in 2016 - these names are known all over the world. Karim Rashid often uses the products of Cisal in their projects, it is not surprising that over time he had the idea to make a joint series. Among the most striking recent collections of Cisal, I would call it created by Rashid Vita: the models included in it demonstrate the corporate design of a talented author, while being user-friendly and accessible to the middle segment of buyers. Undoubtedly, it is of interest to Harlock from Fabio Rotella, about which I have already spoken, as well as Cherie from the art deco Cisal design bureau. Personally, I especially like the gold cherie.

Call Mixer Sherie, in gold trim, diz. Cisal Atelier.

Neoclassicism of Italian quality at this price is a truly unique offer. We are especially pleased to please the Russian buyer with a classic ruler in the Tuscan style. These things have always been popular, and Cisal has devoted as many as eight collections to this design. In bronze, gold, copper, chrome - for every taste.

Shower and bath faucet, call. Sherie, diz. Cisal Atelier. Shower watering from call. Cherie, diz. Cisal Atelier. Shower kit, call. Slim, diz. Cisal Atelier.

Typically, designer things are too expensive, and for mass consumption is made an assortment close to the concept of "collect yourself." Cisal is a middle ground. In Russia, the exclusive distributor of the brand is the company "AM-Group". All products are sold from Moscow warehouse. This is our main principle of forming a dealer network - there is always a full range of products available. ”