Mayakovsky in St. Petersburg was conceived as an exquisite conceptual bar for the reading public. It is located in a historic building with large arched openings, high, elongated windows and vaulted ceilings.

Text: Nina Farizova
A photo: Jana Roberts
Project author: Jana Roberts
Magazine: (195) 2014
Mayakovsky in St. Petersburg was conceived as an exquisite conceptual bar for the reading public. It is located in a historic building with large arched openings, high, elongated windows and vaulted ceilings. It was impossible not to take into account such architecture. The columns supporting the arches are highlighted in color, and all order elements are painted in one tone. Color helped connect the bar area and the restaurant area. The interior is created in contrast. Theatrical classic crystal chandelier hangs on the background of modern art objects, next to huge chrome spotlights, the Nemo Fabio Novembre chair stands like a huge bust on a cupboard. In the bar you can see old liquor bottles, antique ashtrays, a small red piano and stacks of books. On the walls are colored vintage screens with a pattern reminiscent of the avant-garde era, heavy drapes with golden patterns and installations from artifacts of writing life: a typewriter, chests, gramophone and, of course, books. And Vladimir Mayakovsky’s famous poem “Cloud in Pants” of the 1921 edition with the author's autograph is placed in a frame on the wall.