Corridor - "uncomfortable topic"? Quite the contrary, if you approach it as a work of art

Magazine: Decor N9 (219) 2016
The rhythm of openings, thoughtful lighting, a noble color palette and other author's decisions make this corridor look like a living picture in the spirit of de Chirico: there is a shadow, and the object that casts it is not visible. Only here instead of shadows are streams of light. The intrigue is created: I want to enter soon and see how the interior is revealed in the front area.
From the point of view of style, this is a seasoned art deco with its recognizable strict forms. And in this case, he also works on a common task, creating a holistic artistic image: the metal edging of the partitions contrasts with the dark wood of the cornices and openings (American walnut) and aged bronze of laconic lamps.