Art under your feet

December 15 in the Moscow gallery Artplay (ул. Тимура Фрунзе, д. 11) компания Carpet House Celebrated its tenth anniversary with the art action "Art on the carpet"

Passing the gallery

Lead headings: Alexey Ermilov

Magazine: (114)

December 15 in the Moscow gallery Artplay (st. Timur Frunze, 11) company Carpet House Celebrated its tenth anniversary with the art action "Art on the carpet"

For a long time in the East and in Europe, the carpet served as a subject of worship. He even managed to become an integral part of the church and the king - imperial grandeur was testified by the symbols of power that were plugged into the carpet. Company CARPET HOUSE returns the status of the carpet, able to say a lot about both the welfare and artistic taste of its owner. The most popular Russian designers, architects and decorators were attracted to the art project "Art on the carpet", prepared jointly with the publishing house SALON-PRESS. Carpets according to their designs, woven in a single copy, can be seen in Moscow salons CARPET HOUSE.