For the city, to europe

Aristocratic Country

Passing the gallery

A photo: Evgeny Luchin

Text: Julia Sakharova

Magazine: Decor N9 (142) 2009

French windows, Croce chair with English style upholstery - flowered and checked, Dutch still life on the wall ... Mix of different European styles is just perfect for a country house, you just have to mix it carefully

Basis - this is a restrained natural palette - the color of wood, terracotta, herbs, mint and pistachios. Here you can add muted shades of red apples, hay ... You can dream up on this topic. Ornaments can be very different, but it is better to combine a cell, a flower and a strip.

Importantso that the materials are natural, and the pieces of furniture and accessories are handmade. Necessarily aged or with traces of time. Special chic is the parquet scratched and as if eaten by bugs.