We asked the creative director of the Internet company Westwing how the interior trends are formed, what are the psychological needs of a modern person in the process of decorating housing and what is the art of combining styles

Interview prepared: Olga Korotkova
Magazine: №2 (223) 2017
Yana Dmitrenko
Yana Dmitrenko
В отличие от фэшн, в интерьерной индустрии цикл развития очень длинный. Если проследить подряд несколько выставок Maison&Objet, то можно заметить, что многое пересекается. Меняются оттенки, детали, но в целом направление сохраняется. Каждый день на сайте мы предлагаем нашим покупателям новую подборку, свежее предложение. И это, конечно, вызов для нашей креативной команды. Но ведущий тренд остаётся неизменным на протяжении нескольких лет…
Taburet Westwing
Taburet Westwing
Perhaps this is due to the fact that the formation of trends has moved into the psychological sphere, into the inner world of a person, affecting the deepest needs of the individual, the soul. Indeed, first, changes occur inside us, and then there is a desire to change the world around us, including the world of things around us. Emotionality, tactility - these are the main characteristics of a modern interior. We take this into account in our work and strive to ensure that emotional messages - joy, happiness, love, comfort, and comfort - are present in each of our collections that we think about on this or that topic. Of the important trends of the year, I would single out the Game (as stated at the autumn exhibition in Paris). I see the “house of the game” theme in three planes: color, materials and stylistic combinations. In terms of colors, these are deep saturated colors. For example, bright open red — forward trend.
Westwing Bed Linen