Interview with designer Marco Gorini - author of the elite kitchens STRATO, accessories for bathrooms STRATO BAGNO and furniture for the home STRATO ARREDO
Passing the gallery
Interview prepared: Angelina Vin
Magazine: Na (taq) 2003
Estet, gourmet, philosopher, Marko Gorini For a long time he worked in the fashion industry, but all his life he felt an all-consuming interest in architecture and design. Now he designs and manufactures elite STRATO kitchens, STRATO BAGNO bathroom accessories and STRATO ARREDO home furniture. At the exhibition of his utilitarian art objects in the Moscow gallery Scena designer gave an interview to the magazine SALON-interiorSALON: Please tell us how your style was formed - STRATO kitchen design? Why is he like this: clear straight lines, smooth surfaces, right angles? - That was the inner need. I think that 50% of the style is innate quality and it can be transformed thanks to some kind of cultural knowledge and experience, honing skills. This is the fruit of various meetings, impressions, trips. Meeting and working with Giorgio Armani had a tremendous impact on me and set the direction for my quest. In addition, my style was born obsessive, manic desire to achieve the highest quality. It also depends on the level of processing by hand, the choice of materials and colors, which in no case should not be aggressive towards the person. Therefore, I try to give my style a positive feeling and emotions.S: What is the reason that your range of colors is very limited? Influenced by the minimalist style of Armani or the spirit of the controversy of fashionable diversity? - For me, colors are always given by materials. Being engaged in furniture for kitchens, we already find ourselves in a situation of limitation. After all, in the kitchen everything depends on the temperature drop, humidity, the presence of fatty fumes. The kitchen is the center of vigorous energy and gastronomic creativity. Bright colors are unnecessary here, they only heighten emotional tension and are intended more for young people. But the tastes of young people change easily, therefore, the kitchen furniture does not last long. Our kitchens are durable items.S: What is your target audience? - This is a sophisticated audience. A person who knows architecture, visual and culinary art. He is interested in high quality personalized products. Those who come to us are people from all over the world who are ready to express their world view with the help of our furniture. I hope that in Russia we will find like-minded people.S: Under your kitchen interiors are created specifically? Do you prefer minimalist, such as the interiors of Claudio Silvestrin or John Poson? - Not only. We make amazing projects in ancient buildings: in the Florentine palazzo of the XV century, in the palaces of the XIX century in Rome and Milan.S: How do you manage to combine such different styles of interior and kitchen STRATO? - It may seem strange, precisely because of this difference! The unifying elements are conciseness, purity of lines, simplicity. Therefore, our furniture fits perfectly into any lush historical interior. The elaborately decorated furniture would have acted as a fake note, which would entail a confrontation of forms.S: Are you going to make any stylistic changes to your design or will you continue to work in the style of minimalism? - I don’t know how legitimate it is to call this style minimalism, or rather, the wealth of simplicity. There is something about the term "minimalism" as if there is a lack of something. Our product is luxurious in its simplicity, brought to art. Now a wealthy person is focused on the rich asceticism of the image, conciseness, and not a deliberate demonstration of wealth. A self-sufficient person should not overindulge, he can be content with two spaghetti with an elegant sauce - he does not have to eat enough. And he does not need to boast a ROLEX gold watch. The simplicity of life is its quintessence.