Interior with clouds

apartment (200 m2) in Kiev

Passing the gallery

A photo: Evgeny Filippovsky

Interview prepared: Yana Ivanchenko

Project author: Natalia Nedashkovskaya, Paul Недашковскandй, Maxim Gerasimchuk

Magazine: N11 (133) 2008

The style of this Kiev apartment its authors Paul and Natalia Nedashkovsky and Maxim Gerasimchuk называют конструктandвandстскandм мandнandмалandзмом, где максandмум эффекта достandгается мandнandмальнымand художественнымand средствамand

“The view from the windows of the apartment inspired us to create the concept of interior without borders,” says the architect. Natalia Nedashkovskaya. - The apartment is located in the new house, which is located in the very center of Kiev. And, since the floor is high, nothing obscures the sky, which is really a lot. From everywhere you can see picturesque landscapes: from the living room and kitchen windows there is a view of the Dnieper's distance, from the nursery, the bedroom and the guest room you can see the city buildings with large differences in height and winding streets in the floodplain of the Lybed river.

Our customer is a modern business woman who lives a very busy life. Therefore, in her apartment, she wanted to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. The interior could not be overloaded with details and bright colors. Our idea was to link the inner space of the apartment as a whole with the outer space as seamlessly as possible. The use of white in the interior design is very conducive. White levels the boundaries and under the influence of natural light significantly changes its tone and saturation. In general, lighting, both natural and artificial, plays a key role here. To support the overall concept of the interior, we suggested decorating the living room with prints depicting the sky - in bright colors, full-wall. This is an important semantic accent. The built-in ceiling lights evenly fill the room with light, and the hidden cold illumination of the partitions with clouds reflects off the walls and gives soft reflexes throughout the room, simulating diffuse daylight.

We managed to create a complete, solid image of an apartment, which is also very convenient for life, functional. All cabinets here are white and glossy - the reflective properties of gloss make any object almost ethereal. In such a discreet interior in the future, you can confidently add various favorite items with minimal risk to destroy the image. "

Project author Natalia Nedashkovskaya: "In these interiors there is nothing superfluous, everything is very carefully chosen. In the whole apartment there is thoughtful and expressive lighting. When you work in minimalism style, you need to be especially careful about such details as color shades, texture differences. White materials with different textures (for example, marble, leather, textiles, wallpaper) are used within the confines of one room. This is a jewelry work! "