Biennale of decorators in Paris

A photo: Dmitry Livshits
Text: Karina Chumakova
Magazine: (114)
For some time now, it has become fashionable to hold events connected in one way or another with contemporary art in the basements of the Louvre - many shows of the High Fashion Week and exhibitions of contemporary photography have been held here for several years. At this time, the ancient walls, which were built in the beginning of the XIII century, welcomed the exhibition of the achievements of European decorators, manufacturers of exclusive items of interior and fabrics.
The idea of continuity in the field of handicraft production, of what the French call savoire-faire, was traced in the works of all participants in the Biennale, without exception, whether they were manufacturers of embossed leather, Venetian silk or silverware. The ability to fill the traditional form with new meaning, to make relevant what has been produced for centuries, is the main trend in modern decor, demonstrated at the Biennale.
Each of the stands presented here is worthy of a separate story, as it illustrated the integral decoration concept, the story, the main characters of which were unusual and beautiful things. Biennale President Jerome Declerc (Jerôme Declercq) said so: "In our world, where everything happens so quickly, it becomes more and more difficult to surprise, and in this I see our task."
Moris Renoma (Maurice Renoma): - Now the theme is popular in the decor, which I call "neofusion". It is a mixture of fashionable techniques with traditional motifs and materials. Through the use of motifs from the past, the heritage of the ancestors, modern designers help a person to understand himself, to feel the harmony of his inner world with the surrounding interior.
Philippe Coudray: - In my opinion, the Biennale of Decorators makes a huge contribution to changing our understanding of what should be a luxury design. Here works are annually exhibited from various areas of decorative and applied arts - this is table setting, and samples of work with leather, steel, glass, and unusual pieces of furniture. So there are lots of topics for reflection and creativity.