Graceful leisure

Ikebana in styles pénka

Passing the gallery

A photo: Evgeny Luchin

Leading headings: Dilara Muradova

Magazine: (63)

More than eight centuries ago, a new style appeared in Japanese poetry. Ranga (from Japanese - a chain of poems) reflected the basic principle of constructing poetic cycles. Several poets took part in the creation of the renga, who along the chain composed lines of one poem. At the end of the twentieth century, the head of the ikebana school "Sogetsu" Hiroshi Teshigahara shifted the ancient poetic play to the language of flowers. The master invited his students to create a cycle of flower arrangements in which each work, having its own aesthetic significance, at the same time would be part of a single flower canvas. This is how the new direction of the Sogetsu school ranked (chain of flowers). Ikebana and versification, since ancient times united in the Japanese tradition by the general concept of "graceful leisure", have taken another step towards each other. The style of the ranks managed to simultaneously embody the classic Japanese idea of ​​the beautiful and peculiar tendency of modernity - the synthesis of different arts. This year, for the first time in the “Together with Spring” campaign held at the Wing Chun Club (which means “Eternal Spring”), the Sogetsu Moscow School of Landscape Design (MARCHI) presented for the first time a Russian style.