The designer talks about the new collection of Water Dream for the company AXOR and about yourself.
Passing the gallery
Interview prepared: Oksana Kashenko
Magazine: N (98) 2005
Эрвану Буруллеку всего 31 год. Он француз. Дизайнер. И брат Ронана Буруллека, с которым уже шесть лет работает в их собственной дизайнерской студии Ronan&Erwan Bouroullec. За эти годы они успели придумать массу интересных вещей для VITRA, CAPPELLINI, ISSEY MIYAKE, MAGIS, LIGNE ROSET, HABITAT и KREO GALLERY, стать дизайнерами года, а их творения получили прописку в музеях Нью-Йорка, Лондона, Парижа, Роттердама и Лиссабона. В этом году в Милане Ронан и Эрван с блеском показали коллекцию, созданную для VITRA HOME COLLECTION. Успех был невероятен. И чуть ли не в тот же день еще один ошеломительный успех - от показа коллекции Water Dream компании AXORSALON: Erwan, do you think that not many things are made by different companies now? - I think it always has been. There have always been many things. What has really changed now is the geography of their distribution. Now things made in China can easily end up in Moscow, Paris, Rio de Janeiro. For me, the current abundance and diversity of things is a jungle, but the jungle is interesting.S: Do you think that consumers need this jungle, that we need all this? - Everything is simple here. Indeed, no one needs a huge amount of things, but I think everyone has the right to their own opinion. That is, if you need, you can buy at least a few shops and fill the house with a variety of things that express your personality. If your needs are different - you buy only a couple of things. And certainly unique. In short, you should not buy everything that is produced. As for me, I never buy too many things. I generally do not buy things. Especially in the shops.S: What is in your own home? - I have a house recently. Previously, I did not have my own housing, I lived in someone else’s apartment and had nothing that was mine. Well, except for cups donated by friends, and a computer. But now more than six months, as I have a house. This is a huge empty space that I have to fill. You know, I like to buy old things: furniture, plates ...S: Who would have thought! Does a famous designer have nothing fashionable? Do you use things you have created yourself? - From my own I have a bottle opener and a small table. Well, a low chair.S: How do you spend your free time? - I read a lot. In the remaining time I go to the cinema and restaurants. In fact, nothing unusual.S: What is special about your collection for AXOR? - The collection includes not only mixers, but also mirrors, panels and small cabinets, like wide and roomy boxes. Panels can be wooden, metal, marble. Locker-boxes too much. Then everything depends on your preferences and style of the interior - as if you yourself choose what your personal model from AXOR will consist of. Thus, creating seemingly only three objects and selecting different materials for them, we received a collection that could have completely different faces.S: For what kind of people is this collection? - I dont know.S: You do not know? - Not. The only thing I know is that AXOR is a very high level brand. Therefore, I think the people who buy these things should be rich enough to pay for them.S: What is the difference in creating furniture for the living room and bathroom items? - The purpose of the items speaks for itself - there is a huge difference between them. But the method of creation may be similar. Take at least the fact that in both cases I use the same pencil and the same paper.S: Which of your things is the best? “Sometimes I draw really good flowers.” And I can make a good vase.S: Well, if you are not modest, which of the objects you have created do you yourself consider the best? - I dont know. Это зависит от точки зрения. Некоторые вещи интересны, потому что открывают перед вами новые возможности, некоторые интересны в силу их небольшой стоимости, некоторые - из-за своей странности. Я правда не знаю. Например, мы сделали драгоценности. Если их сравнивать со стулом, можно сказать, что драгоценности - это несерьезно. Но несмотря на свою нефункциональность, они приносят радость. Это не так плохо. У меня есть подруга, которая носит их. И мне это нравится.S: Does your girlfriend wear things you have made? - Yes. In fact, she is my ex-girlfriend.S: And the last question: Do you dream of creating something unusual? Maybe you want to create a home for the president of any country? - I would like to create a sailing boat. Not as big as they are in the port, but not tiny. So if some Russian tycoon orders me a boat, I will be glad. Only I apologize in advance for refusing orders for large yachts. I agree to make him a small sailing boat. Maybe someone will want to buy a small boat, because the big one already has ... A small boat will be lovely.