What is the English style today? What do we choose today from the range of its capabilities? Our questions are answered by the architect Olga Kushnaryova

A photo: Dmitry Livshits, Mikhail Stepanov, Sergey Morgunov, Yuliya Sakharova
Magazine: Decor N8 (185) 2013
Olga Kushnaryova believes that one of the main issues of interest to the customer today is the modern interpretation of the classics: “This living room in a Moscow apartment is an excellent example for illustrating how to use a strictly decorative technique to turn a strictly classical space into a bright, juicy and very modern interior. In a richly decorated stucco interior should be placed objects in an unusual classic colors. And it is desirable to limit the two colors. In this case, it is a bright emerald green and fuchsia color. The background for them is a neutral flaxen color. A transparent crystal chandelier with crystals in the same colors and a silver tile complete the color transformation of this interior.
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