Английский дизайнер и архитектор Ron Arad talks about his video projects
Passing the gallery
Materials prepared: Nikolay Fedyanin
Magazine: Technol. N10 (99) 2005
About the English designer and architect Ron Arada (Ron Arad) is sometimes said that he lives in the next, XXII century. In an interview with the magazine SALON-interior Ron Arad talks about his video projectsSALON: In 2002 at the furniture exhibition in Milan you showed the project of a hotel room in the future. This year, the Silken Puerta America Hotel in Madrid was completed, where you embody this concept. But in the Milan project, the screen on which the image was projected surrounded the bed. Why did you abandon this idea? - When you embody a conceptual project in life, you have to make compromises. To project a picture onto a Perspex polymer screen, we used 5 standard LCD projectors. But in order to "glue" different pictures and display them correctly on a rounded surface, we used technologies developed by the English company SEOS. This company makes equipment for planetariums and creates simulators on which pilots work out aerobatic maneuvers. Unfortunately, while these technologies are incredibly expensive, so at the Hotel Silken Puerta America we could not make the same home theater, which was shown in Milan.S: В прошлом году на мебельной выставке в Милане и позже, на IX архитектурном биеннале в Венеции, Вы показали проект Lo-Res-Dolores-Tabula-Rasa, где изображение проецировалось на стену из Corianа®. How did you come up with this idea? - LCD panels have one major drawback: when they are turned off, they turn into black holes. And when you see such a "black hole", you immediately realize that this is a screen. But admit it, you do not expect that the picture may appear directly from the wall ... The installation was called Lo-Res, that is, "low resolution". In this project, I did not try to get the highest quality image. On the contrary, I was interested to show the pixels that make up the image. Is it not surprising that any picture projected on an eight-meter wall turns into an alternation of flickering and blinking dots ?!Corian® - зарегистрированный товарный знак Е.И.ДюПон де Немур энд Компани. Только Дюпон производит Corian®