restaurant "Karpacho" (Moscow) Grigory Sadov, Suzanne Fawahiri Simplicity and elegance of the interior of the Moscow restaurant "Karpacho". The main decoration - copies of the frescoes of the Renaissance on the walls
Passing the gallery
Text: Damir Salimzyanov
A photo: Igor Mikhalkovich
Project author: George Sadov, Suzanne Fawahiri
Architect: Elena Gnevko, Alexander Glikman
Magazine: N11 (56) 2001
The name of the new Moscow restaurant on Ostozhenka, d. 40-42, will not mislead any passersby, much less a visitor. Of course, the Italians again in Russia. At least one of them, named Carpaccio. But actually it is not. That is, there is a misconception. Carpaccio is not the owner of an institution in the old part of Moscow. Recall that Vittorio Carpaccio is an Italian Renaissance painter. Moscow memories - in this case, architects - approached the main interior theme in two ways. On the one hand, copies of the frescoes of the great master are the main decoration of the restaurant. On the other hand, it was the features of artistic manner that served as the starting point in the design of the space. This may seem strange. But not for those, as Bulat Okudzhava said, "who understands." The fact is that this painting in the history of the early Renaissance is an example of a surprisingly hedonistic attitude to life. This atmosphere is most suitable for eating and drinking wine. The even red color of the walls is another significant cultural reminiscence. Vittorio Carpaccio was one of the first to use bold purple in his works. The restaurant’s address is also to a certain extent “ambiguous”: house N 40-42 is not a cartographic error. The restaurant really occupied the space belonging to two houses at the same time. A narrow opening between the old Moscow buildings turned into an elegant light "transition" in the lobby of the restaurant. Under the floor of the first floor - a powerful "cultural layer". Decorated with ancient bricks, the "wine keeper" is nothing but a basement. Similarly cited the Middle Ages, with heavy oak barrels, rough wooden shelves, where vessels with elite collectible drinks are placed. And the visitor can get acquainted with this exotic at once: transparent glass "windows" made in the floor are designed for this. In the halls of the restaurant, on the first and second floors, a completely different entourage. This is modern aesthetics, by means of which the third millennium declares itself. At the same time not giving up the "cultural heritage". The laconic metallized aesthetics (light walls, dull silver "metallic" columns, "elementary" light furniture without any complaints) nevertheless "takes into account" the origins of the artistic concept, returning us to the name and the main character - Carpaccio. In the lower hall there are red walls, in the upper (bar) there are red sofas. With seemingly deliberate minimalism, touching cozy wooden shutters: in the evening Moscow lights "shine" (and literally) through the "ancient" holes, and they look like stars. The “transparent” interior is simple and prestigious. Ease and refined aestheticism. Clean and consistent lines. Technological perfection. The third millennium. Carpaccio.