This room is located in a historic villa in the vicinity of Siena. What creates an atmosphere of silence here? And is it possible to do something similar with us? Let's figure it out

Magazine: Decor N9 (208) 2015
The bookcase is set exactly in the middle; cozy niches formed on his right and left. Tapestries in niches visually enlarge the room. Symmetrically organized spaces are very comfortable for a person, but symmetry has to be destroyed somewhere in order to make the interior lively. Here, for example, a sofa has “entered” a corner. Mood of ease create and three different chairs.
The landscape outside the windows and the house, which is several centuries old, is the first. The second is a high ceiling, beams, stucco cornice, plastered walls with murals in the style of trompe – l’oeil and a perfectly symmetrical composition of furniture and accessories. Tuscan landscape and a villa in Russia can not be transferred, but the techniques of organizing space is worth taking note.