house with a total area of 1591 m2

Text: Olga Vologdina
A photo: Andrey Avdeenko
Project author: Irina Soutine
Magazine: N10 (187) 2013
When the house was just starting to be built, we determined the layout and style of the interiors with the customers, but for a long time we could not find a conceptual idea that would make the interior unique, says Irina Sutina. - The place where the villa is located is unique: a magnificent view of Yalta and the sea opens from the mountain. My customers are a big family in which they respect and value traditions. Parents, three children, grandmother, grandfather, great-grandmother. In general, at least six to seven people sit at the table. And when I started working on a design project, I wanted the individuality of the interior to be defined by the warm family relations of the owners. ”
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