Ubiquitous sofa

This review contains furniture for all occasions. Read, be inspired, make your home the most comfortable and convenient.

Passing the gallery

A photo: Иван Сорокин, Elena Efremova, Павел Пшеничный

Organization of filming and interviews: Elena Efremova

Lead headings: Andrey Presnov

Magazine: N5 (182) 2013

This review contains furniture for all occasions. Read, be inspired, make your home the most comfortable and convenient.

Upholstered furniture is associated in all with the living room, but in fact it plays an important role in other functional areas of the house. Sofas and chairs provide comfort in the hallway, the architects furnish the bathrooms, in the bedroom and dressing room at least a small padded stool is needed, without upholstered furniture it will be difficult to watch a movie in the cinema, it is appropriate even in the pool. If you want to live with comfort, you need to use it to the maximum, and before you furnish the house, try to remember all the times when you want to sit down or lie down.

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