Fashion Zone clothing salon in Rostov-on-Don

A photo: Peter Lebedev
Text: Oksana Kashenko
Leading headings: Nina Farizova
Designer: Julia Li
Project Manager: Vyacheslav Kozlov
Magazine: (108)
Fashion Zone Fashion Salon is a unique place for Rostov-on-Don. The city is bright, the shops are bright, the people are colorful, and here it seems that there was a failure in the delivery of colors, a sudden pause: everything is black and white. Under the ceiling, the architects hung up several huge, but at the same time seemingly weightless, lamps emitting soft, diffused light. Furniture with glossy and glass surfaces also seems to weigh nothing. There are huge frames on the walls in which clothes are hanging. No fastenings are visible, everything seems to be floating in the air, the light is pouring almost nowhere. The clothes look very vivid on this frozen photographic background. Another design refinement - transparent panels on the windows and opaque on the walls, completely covered with baroque script - the FZ logo that has been repeatedly repeated.