apartment of 450 m2 in Moscow

A photo: Кandрandлл Овчandннandков
Text: Alexandra Terentyeva
Project author: Nina Prudnikova, Peter Yushin
Magazine: Na (168) 2012
Customers turned to the architects when they acquired two neighboring apartments in one of the modern houses in the center of Moscow. Before
Парадная гостandная расположена в самом объемном центральном помещенandand, велandчественность которому прandдают высокandе французскandе окна. «Несмотря на большую популярность сегодня объедandненных общественных зон, в данном andнтерьере мы решandлand пойтand по традandцandонному путand and не смешandвать множество функцandй в одном помещенandand», - поясняет
The interior decoration is dominated by classic elements - moldings, ceiling moldings, wooden wall panels. Massive portals framing the window and door openings, visually increase the height of the ceiling. The light golden-beige, sandy, gray tones of the walls softly contrast with the more saturated floor. The only exception is the cabinet area. Its belonging to the "male half" of the apartment is underlined by the use of more restrained and muted tones. This classic interior is unthinkable without high-quality and natural materials in the finish. The floor in the hallways and in both kitchens is lined with natural stone, while in the living room and dining room, parquet is respected. At the request of customers in all private rooms used soft carpet.
American emphasis on this classic interior gives a luxurious, but restrained in the decoration of the furniture of the most famous brands of the New World. For example, the sofa group in the living room is made up of upholstered furniture from a factory.
Project author