An outstanding Russian figure skater tells about the gift of his dreams, gifts, surprises and the best gift he has not yet received.

Interview prepared: Vasily Konov
Materials: - (с) Best Pictures
Magazine: Gifts N3 (103) 2006
SALON: What is for you - to be able to give gifts?
- Find the most necessary. Find a gift that will not be useless. I think that I have not received the best gift yet. It is like a question about the best moment in life - it always seems that it has not come yet. So with the gift - the best has not yet received. Although gave different. Especially a lot of toys. Nothing can be done about it! And so that something serious ... I can not remember. But here's the most unwelcome gift for me - postcards. I throw them away. Fair. And I never sign them myself. Well, read the postcard - and then what?
S:In your youth, did you dream of a special gift for parents?
- I had one dream - to give my parents an apartment. We lived in a communal apartment, so we always wanted a separate accommodation. Conditions in the communal were far from the best. Gradually, I began to earn money - and eventually I bought an apartment for my parents. Well, by the way, I remember my first fee - it was at the Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg. If not mistaken, in 1994. I got a few thousand dollars - for me it was a real shock! And the gifts were ordinary - jewelry. Mom, cousins. Ring, chains, earrings, pendant.
S: So you consider jewels to be the perfect gift?
- Not perfect, but comfortable. And the brand and price are not so important. The same with the clock. After all, you can buy, for example, a watch for $ 15,000, or you can buy it for $ 500. The same with clothes — the main thing is that you like it, and how much it costs and who produces it does not matter.
S: What gifts are you planning to give to relatives and friends?
- You know, you need a lot of gifts, but it is very difficult to get to the point with them. I now do not give the clock - it is to separation. My family has it all. My parents do not deny themselves anything. I earn enough for this. Therefore, women - flowers, perfume, jewelry. For example, my mother would be pleased to give a bracelet.
S: A gift in the form of a surprise ever done?
- My girlfriend had a dream - to get to Las Vegas ... It was hard to make this surprise, because you first had to find out what her plans were, if she could travel at all at an estimated time. From this surprise fleur gradually melted. I bought tickets to Las Vegas, and there we went to two of the best circus shows. And although, as a result, the trip failed to surprise me, but the dream of visiting Las Vegas came true.
S: Do you have a dream? For example, what would you like to receive as a gift?
- Labrador! I have a Cocker Spaniel, but there is no Labrador! I want a Labrador as a gift. And I would love to receive a gift for children! Not at the moment, of course, a little later, but I would love to! That would be nice.