In September, the next exhibition of 100% Design was held in London

Materials prepared: Julia Sakharova
Magazine: N1 (101) 2006
Process Chair - this is how Scott Garcia named his object, who created the most understandable and very optimistic message. This object is a wooden chair with a sprig on one of the legs. Behind him, the story is guessed - here, they say, the master made an ordinary chair, he just wanted to grind the last leg, and the tree suddenly came to life and even let out a sprout. “Living” design can grow from a completely ordinary thing, the author assures us. And this circumstance gives hope and even partly justifies the situation at the exhibition: on the one hand, many new and interesting things are presented, and on the other hand, everything, in general, fits into the framework of last year's (and last year) trends.
Take, for example, lamps in the style of the famous lamp - artichokes and chairs in the style of the famous S-Chair. The large number of variations on this topic reveals a huge interest of designers (and interior designers, in particular) to the themes of retro and 70s.
The EBB company showed an unusual object for the bathroom, more similar to the landscape in the section: from a long sheet of synthetic stone LG HI-MACS® designers have made a lot in one - and a bath, and sink, and shelves for towels. All surfaces are completely smooth, without seams. Minimalists will definitely like it. By him