Shower at the dacha is not a luxury, but a real need. In the summer heat, you want to relax under the cool streams of water, wash off all the dust and feel the new breath of energy, especially after hard physical work in the garden. Many do it by hand to refresh themselves, but it is much better to spend a couple of days off and make a shower to give with your own hands.
Of course, you can buy a ready-made booth, but it is much more pleasant to invest energy and be happy to engage in the construction of your project. This is not as difficult as it may seem, especially with the variety of materials presented in hardware stores. On the Internet, in a matter of minutes, you can find a scheme for building a soul, and by adding imagination and imagination to start building. It will significantly facilitate and brighten up summer vacation for the whole family.
- 1 Varieties of the soul to give
- 2 Making a wooden shower with your own hands
- 3 Video instruction on the construction of the shower
- 4 Caring for a shower of wood
Sorts of the soul to give
All sorts of design options for a lot of soul, you need to carefully examine the options and choose the most suitable. Materials for the manufacture of wood is (bar), boards, metal corners, fiberglass and more.
Most often, for summer cottages are made the following shower cabin models:
Shower rack. For this option, two walls are made, it is an economical option that can be built independently in the shortest possible time.
- Panel. Usually it is fixed on the fence, behind the wall of the house. Instead of walls, a polyethylene valve can be used or, if the place is quite secluded, then they are not necessary.
- Shower in a wooden house. It is installed in an isolated part of the house, and requires high-quality discharge of water and steam.
- Wooden shower - a frame, four walls and a door are made for it. May also have a changing room.
Wooden shower for giving is an excellent option, it can be built in a relatively short time, and it is a pleasure to use it. It is always a pleasure to deal with natural materials.
The pros and cons of such a construction depend on what the owners are waiting for. If they need mobility or it is planned to use the shower for only one season - it is better to choose more compact options that are easy to dismantle and move. If you need a solid construction, as an additional building on the site, then the wooden soul has no competitors.
The main thing is right take care of the tree, to avoid negligence and then he will serve for a long time. Also, you can achieve a stylistic similarity with other buildings, make it interesting from the front wall, stylize under any idea. And then he will delight and surprise guests. The disadvantages include the fact that if improperly used, the tree will deteriorate quickly, it may appear putrid musty smell, insects can spoil it and make it unusable.
Making a wooden shower with your own hands
First thing you need decide on a place under construction From this will depend on further ease of use. A secluded place is best suited where there will be no drafts and strong winds - so that after taking a shower you will not catch cold in the cool evenings.
It is desirable to have sunlight, so that the tree of which the cabin is made, has time to dry out. Also required removal from home and resting places - under the shower there may be a slight stagnation of water, and dampness is always the presence of insects. The construction of the soul to give does not take much time. The necessary materials in a wide range are presented in hardware stores.
Main construction stages:
- First thing required pallet manufacturing for the booth, which is lined with roofing felt. You need to carefully vymeryat, since it will depend on how to make the frame. The optimal pallet size is 3 * 3 meters, no longer required. This cabin will be well ventilated and there will be enough space in it to accommodate the things necessary for shower procedures. You can purchase a ready-made pallet, thereby saving time, but if you have the mood to fully carry out the work with your hands, it is not difficult to make it.
Breaks out сливная яма, at a distance of a couple of meters from the booth. The need for it arises, if more than three people wash, then the water will not have time to be absorbed by the earth, and there is a need for water drainage. It must be remembered that it is imperative to organize a hole far from the beds with edible plants, since soap and foaming substances will get to the plant roots through the soil, which can lead either to death or chemical poisoning of the fruit. Around the pit is necessary to drain.
- From cab to pit done stock. The gutter is laid waterproof materials. He gently dig into the ground and make sure that the depth of the bed was optimal.
- Production of shower stall. The most optimal material will be larch or softwood. The height will be about three meters. The skeleton of the walls is made of timber, the base of which must be ground, wrapped in roofing material and dug into the ground, and preferably concreted. This is necessary to create the stability of the whole structure and prevent its reeling. The floor of the soul is made of rails made together with a gap, through which water will flow. They are pre-carefully sanded, twice covered with a layer of antiseptic and attached to the frame on the screws. Booth walls sheathed with boards, in the upper parts of which it is necessary to provide ventilation.
The water tank is installed. Usually used barrels, an average of 100 liters. For a large family tank 200 liters, with a reasonable waste of water is enough for a couple of weeks of use. By purchasing the right one, you can paint it in a dark color so that the water heats up faster in the sun. A reflective material spread on the roof, such as foil, is also suitable. In the tank is mounted pipe with a tap and a water diffuser. If the set will be carried out manually, you need to provide the ladder. But it is better to provide a pump so that there are no problems with water during the watering season.
Video instructions for the construction of the shower
Wood shower care
It is necessary to properly handle all the wooden parts of the booth with special ones. solutions and impregnations. It is important to do this before starting to collect the structure, since many negative factors are easier to prevent than to get rid of them later. First required rot protection, which invariably accompanies places of large accumulations of water Such solutions contain substances that prevent the development of fungi.
You also need to take care of protection from insects that can damage the structure. Special solutions include insecticidesThey scare away insects and do not allow them to damage the wood by penetrating inside. It is better to choose water-based products, they are quickly absorbed and easy to work with. Dry they order three hours.
It is important to apply the drug on the surface of the tree. First you need it to clear, scrape the resin and sand it. Apply impregnation with a brush or roller and in at least two layers. AND important not to forgetthat all work with chemical compounds should be carried out in rubber gloves, as they include antiseptic.
In order for the shower to last long enough, you must provide high-quality ventilation booths. This will help to prevent the development of dampness and mold. It is best that the door to the booth remains open, outside the period of operation. Also a big role is played by windows for ventilation, they should be large enough. Of great importance is the location of the soul. Better he is on elevationand be naturally dried in the sun. Thus, it is possible to prevent the rapid damage of buildings and for many years enjoy the self-built convenient and practical summer cottage.
Thus, it becomes clear that to build with your own hands a country dacha from wood at all not difficult, you only need to set aside a couple of days for this, go by car to the construction market, buy the necessary materials, tune in a positive way and break into the realization of a dream. And then the whole family, for so many short, but such joyful summer months, will be happy to do water procedures.