Green gardens on the roofs of new york

Stephen Martin's Garden on Lexington Avenue, which serves as the perfect backdrop for the Empire State Building. The garden of Giorgio DeLuca, occupying the top floor of his house in the Soho district. Michael Goldstein's luxurious garden, entrepreneur and former publisher of Soho news

Passing the gallery

Transfer: Alexey Dramashko

Materials: - (c) East News/Schaeffer/Liaison

Magazine: N10 (44) 2000

New York gives the impression of a city in which skyscrapers obscure the sky, the streets are filled with a huge number of cars and almost no greenery. However, looking up, you can see the delightful gardens with pools, lawns and flower beds.

Some companies, such as the Michael Sherkan company, specialize in turning balconies and roofs into green oases.

Due to the lack of free space for construction, New York is growing not in breadth, but upwards. And for the same reason, personal gardens, the dream of any city dweller, began to appear on the roofs of skyscrapers. Now you can look at the city from a bird's eye view, sitting in your own garden.