When thuyu is planted: landing features

How to plant thuyuAmateur gardeners, especially beginners, often choose an unpretentious beauty for their garden - thuja. This plant tolerates frost well, drought, lack of sunlight and does not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil.

Another feature of the thuja is loyalty to the environment, that is, the plant is well tolerated in close proximity to factories and plants.


  • 1 How and when to plant thuya?
    • 1.1 Features of planting thuja in autumn
    • 1.2 Useful tips
    • 1.3 We plant thuja in the spring
    • 1.4 How to plant thuy seeds?
    • 1.5 Planting thuya cuttings
  • 2 What can be planted next to the thuja?

How and when to plant thuya?

This coniferous plant can be planted in the ground both in spring and autumn.

Features of planting thuja in autumn

Is it possible to plant thuja in autumn - The question is very ambiguous. The thing is that this is a southern plant and the best time for planting is spring, since in the fall the probability that the thuja will take root drops to 10%. Therefore, it is very important to observe the rules of planting in the autumn.

How to plant thuja on the site - the rules and advice.To begin with, it is necessary to prepare a pit, the size of which should be twice as deep and three times the root ball (usually about a meter). Old compost, chernozem, peat are laid on the bottom. If the soil is heavy and damp, good drainage is done (layer thickness 10–15 cm) of broken brick, large pebbles, expanded clay or crushed stone.

The root ball is installed in such a way that the plant's neck is located exactly at the ground level, it is impossible to lift the ground strongly above the ground, and the plant cannot be too deep - it can dry out and die. Roots sprinkled with earth and compacted. After which the plant must be abundantly watered.

When planting, make sure that the distance between thujas is at least one meter. Although the plant and unpretentious, but the rate of growth directly depends on the selected landing site. Thuja grows very quickly on a protected from the wind area with well-moistened fertile soil.

The plant has a well-developed, but superficial root system, which needs mandatory mulching. Peat, pine nut shell and bark are used for this. Mulching is especially important for autumn planting, as it protects the plant from drying out and freezing. If thuja is planted in autumn, the soil should not be fertilized. Plant feeding is carried out only next spring, using special fertilizers for coniferous trees.

For the best survival of the root system, seedlings should be treated with rhizome or heteroauxin. Krona can be treated with anti-stress drugs. For the first week after planting, it is enough to spray the plant once a day, then twice a week until the first frost occurs.

Round thuja in the garden - picture of a plantPlanted thuy better in the morning or in the evening. If planting is made in hot weather - the plant should be darkened with sacking or kraft paper. For dwarf thuja, you can use a cardboard box. Shelter must be removed when they start to actively dissolve the leaves.

In autumn, the thuja may turn yellow and begin to drop the needles. This should not be frightened, since such a state is characteristic of this type of plant.

To plant or transplant a plant in the fall, you need to know about certain rules:

  • Do not plant a thuja in the late autumn, as a fragile sapling will be very hard to survive the winter. The ideal time for planting is September - early October, that is, before the onset of frost.
  • Before the appearance of the first stable cold, the roots of the plants should settle down well, therefore, in order to protect the roots from frost, the area near the thuja can be filled with needles or compost. Fallen leaves not only create heat, but also retain moisture, but when rotting enrich the soil with minerals and improve its composition.
  • Heavy snowfall can damage immature twigs of the tree, so you need to shake off the snow from them. •
  • To protect the thuja, planted in the fall, from sunburn and cold, it is necessary to cover it with burlap. In no case do not use for this purpose polymeric or synthetic materials, as they are not capable of protecting the plant from frost.
  • In order to ensure air circulation, do not tighten the burlap too tight. Otherwise, the plant may suffer from decay during the thaw period.

By following these simple tips, you will greatly facilitate the wintering of their seedlings.

Useful tips

Planting thuja is simple, the main thing is to dig a hole correctly and add fertilizer.When buying a Tui seedling (as well as any other coniferous plant) should pay attention to the location of the root system. Choose only those pots in which the roots of the plant are completely covered with soil. It is better to buy a sapling in a container or wrapped with burlap. This will help the plant to settle down better, which is especially important when planting in the autumn. Do not overtighten when planting a thuja from a pot or container into the ground. The sooner you do this, the greater the chance of a good survival rate.

We plant thuja in the spring

To facilitate the transplant It is recommended to use plants with a closed root system.. Planting thuja is better in the penumbra or in the sun, since in the shaded place the crown of the plant will be weak and not magnificent. The quality of the soil does not matter much - it can be peat, slightly acid, clay or sandy soil. But it is still better to use peat-sheet soil with a small amount of sand in the ratio of 2/1/1.

How to plant a thuja in the spring?

  • Depending on the desired landscape and variety of thuja, the distance between the seedlings should be from one to five meters.
  • A deep pit is prepared with a diameter of 0.8–1 m and a depth of 0.6–0.8 m, depending on the earthen coma that is present on the root system.
  • When planting a plant, it is recommended to apply organic fertilizers: 10–15 kg of organic matter and 1-3 kg of ash.
  • Any operations with the plant should be performed with great care in order to avoid damage to the root ball.
  • After planting, fertilizer should be applied - "Epin".
  • With intervals of 14 days, it is necessary to additionally feed the plant with potassium and phosphorus.
  • Water thuya need once a week. In the case of a dry spring, watering is carried out twice a week.

How to plant thuya seeds?

Thuja decorative fence around the site.Spring thuja planted seeds in a small vessel. Pre-prepared soil, which includes garden, leaf, coniferous soil and sand. Cover the seed dish with glass.

Every day you need to air it. Emerging seedlings gently transplanted into separate pots, at the bottom of which fit drainage from broken shards or gravel mixed with coal.

Planting thuya cuttings

The cuttings of the plants are taken after the shoots have already grown (July August). In this case, only cuttings from a young thuja, whose age does not exceed 2-3 years, are used. The length of the cut cuttings should be at least 20 cm, while leaving a small heel (a piece of wood of the tree itself), which is trimmed with a knife after cutting.

Then cuttings should be treated with a solution of heteroauxin and land in the prepared soil covered with sand and peat. Treat the soil with a solution of manganese. Soil loosen, pour water and plant the plant to a depth of 2 cm. As soon as the cuttings take root, they should be treated with fungicide.

What can be planted next to the thuja?

The plant is well combined with deciduous shrubs and flower beds:

  • spire;
  • acacia;
  • larch;
  • cypress;
  • Thuja on the site - create a beautiful landscape.ale;
  • dwarf juniper;
  • host;
  • dicentra;
  • гортензия;
  • astilba;
  • petunia hybrid.

Thuja does not get along well with peonies and asters, therefore, it is not recommended to plant them nearby.

So, following the above recommendations, you will very soon envy all your neighbors to get a chic evergreen alley and hedge, spread out wide branches and fragrant coniferous scent.