Not every owner of a country house can build a full-fledged gazebo in which to relax. A suitable alternative to a furnished gazebo is an awning to give. Such an uncomplicated design will reliably protect the hosts and their guests from the hot sun or rain on a cloudy day.
- 1 The concept and purpose of tents, awnings for giving
- 2 Advantages of tents (awnings) for giving
- 3 Types of tents, awnings for giving
- 4 Choose an awning, a tent to the country
- 5 Installation of a tent (awning) at the dacha
- 6 Awning to give their own hands
- 6.1 Production of homemade tent with a frame made of wood
- 6.2 Production of a metal arbor tent for giving
- 7 Repair of damaged tent (awning)
The concept and purpose of tents, awnings for giving
Первое, что следует отметить: понятия шатра и тента для дачи не синонимичны. Awning — fabric canopywhich is designed for protection from the weather or the scorching sun. The main component of the tent is polyester, synthetic fabric, durable polyethylene, material with a protective impregnation.
Under the tent understand temporary structurewhich, if necessary, can be assembled and re-installed elsewhere. An integral part of the tent to give is a frame, usually made of aluminum, metal profile or tube. The frame is covered with a water-repellent material. We can say that the tent is practically an awning, but with a frame.
The main task of an awning, a tent at the dacha - providing comfort for rest on the street. With the help of this design, any area can be turned into a kitchen, dining room, and an arbor in just a few minutes.
The function of the tent (tent) largely depends on the material from which it is made. Lightweight fabric is designed for tents (awnings), which are installed with the purpose of protection from the scorching sun. Waterproof fabric, obviously, is a material for the construction that protects from rain. There are cases of manufacturing tents (awnings) of polyethylene, however, such a material is impractical: it does not let air through, is short-lived. mosquito net also often used as a material for the manufacture of such structures.
Advantages of tents (awnings) for giving
Among the advantages of tent structures in comparison with the foundation buildings:
- simplicity of construction;
- excellent sound insulation, providing excellent outdoor recreation;
- cheapness;
- compact size, ease of transportation;
- durability;
- maintainability of the structure;
- mobility (in some cases).
Types of tents, awnings for giving
Depending on the functional purpose of the tents (awnings) are:
folding. A great option for picnics and small feasts. Such a tent-tent is small in size, lightweight, compact, since it has no walls and keeps only on a quadrangular frame;
- gazebo-tent. Очень практичный и наиболее распространенный вариант. Основное отличие от предыдущего варианта — наличие стенок (глухих, в виде сетки). Владелец шатра может варьировать как количество стенок, так и их расположение. Такая конструкция оснащена множеством дополнительных деталей. Tent с легкостью трансформируется из летней беседки со стенами из москитных сеток в полноценный маленький «домик» с плотными стенками и перегородками, способными надежно защитит вас от непогоды;
- tourist tent. Used mainly in the "wild" nature. This design is lightweight, equipped with wind stretch marks and mosquito nets;
- tent pavilion. The most spacious option. It is intended for special occasions.
Choosing an awning, a tent to the country
On the issue of acquiring a tent (tent) to give is worth a serious consideration.
First you need to decide on the desired dimensions of construction. If under the tent you plan to place only a small table with four chairs, then the 2.5 × 2.5 design will do for you.
The purpose of the tent (tent) to give will determine the type of construction required. Think about why you need a tent (awning) in the country. For example, if the main function of a planned tent (awning) is to protect yourself from the scorching sun, then there is absolutely no need to purchase an awning (tent) from waterproof material. If your country house is located near a forest, a lake, and mosquitoes often bother you, it will be logical to get an awning (tent) equipped with mosquito nets. From the rain you will be able to protect the design of water-repellent fabric.
An important criterion for choosing an awning (tent) to give is the assembly technology of the structure. Tents (awnings) have a fairly simple design, the frame of which is assembled from support pipes and brackets made of hard plastic; screw option the assembly will take much longer.
Acquire a construction for your summer cottage follows from specialized suppliers. Some of the manufacturers are also able to make products for your individual order. In this case, all your wishes will be taken into account: the shape, material, manufacturing, design of the tent (awning).
Installation of a tent (awning) at the dacha
How to install the structure on the summer cottage? The first thing to do is choose a suitable place to install the structure. Next, dig in support legs into the ground. If you want to make a flooring, you will have to set a foundation for it.
If the design is temporary (folding option), its installation will not take you much time. Use the attached instructions.
Awning для дачи своими руками
Buying a finished tent (tent) to give is not a budget option. If you have the desire to save money and at the same time “put the soul” in the arrangement of your site, you can easily build an awning (tent) with your own hands. Homemade awning (tent) will look no worse than the purchase. For the manufacture of structures you do not need much time, just some materials and desire. So let's get started.
Before proceeding to the device tent at the cottage, select the most optimal place for him. Prepare the site: free it from plants, stones, debris. It will be very good if the facility is located in the garden or near the flower garden.
Making a homemade awning with a frame made of wood
You will need:
- bars (section: 50 × 50, height: 2.7 and 2.4);
- your chosen fabric;
- wooden boards (thickness: 3-4 cm);
- self-tapping screws;
- metal corners.
In the process of construction, proceed in stages:
Mark the territory and mark the installation location of the support columns.
- In places of installation of support columns dig holes (depth: 0.5 m).
- In the pits arrange cushion of rubble.
- After installation, fill the racks with cement mortar. Front racks set 30 centimeters above the rear (in order to install a pitched roof).
- All wooden structures cover paint or primer (to prevent rotting).
- After the solution hardens, fix the horizontal cross member between the posts (connect them with metal corners).
- Dig out and sew the fabric for the roof and decorate the curtains for the side walls of the tent.
Production of a metal arbor tent for giving
For a device like this, you should:
- Position four concrete slabs with holes in the middle that will serve as the foundation for the structure.
- Install metal rods in the holes of the discs (plates);
- Connect the upper ends of the rods using clamps or wire, thus forming an arc support.
The top edge of the prepared fabric to collect and secure it with a wire (rope) to the junction of the metal arcs.
- Straighten the fabric and pull on the bars.
- Sew additional strings on the inside of the structure to prevent the material from sliding along the frame.
- If you want to pull mosquito net on one of the openings.
Your tent is ready.
Repair of damaged tent (awning)
Despite the excellent quality of the material manufacturing tents (tents), the canvas may tear. In this case, do not worry: the problem is solved. To repair the tent (tent) you may need:
- a piece of cloth (the same as the material of manufacture, or similar to it);
- stapler;
- building hair dryer;
- plywood sheet;
- roller.
So, let's proceed to the repair:
- Remove the tent from the frame, put it on a plywood sheet inside up.
- We fix the material on a plywood sheet with a stapler.
- Cut out paycheck slightly larger in size of the damaged area.
- We put it on the tent.
- Right hand hold a hair dryer, left - roller.
- We get hair dryer nozzle between the patch and the tent and carry around the perimeter of the patch, smoothing the tent with a roller.
Your tent is ready for use again.
Having got or having made an awning (tent) for the seasonal dacha, you, undoubtedly, will not regret. Now you are not afraid of either the sultry sun on a hot July day, nor the rain that suddenly took you to rest.