Each owner of a private and country house wants to create a unique landscape design that will please the eye and allow you to highlight the home from the neighbors. To transform the area you can use many different objects. Often, the owners install concrete flowers in the courtyard.
These products are unique designs, the main function of which is decorative. In many cities you can notice these objects. They have a universal purpose. They can be used as a way of landscaping the territory, and in addition, also as a method of dividing the territory into zones.
Modern flower beds made of concrete look spectacular. If the owner of the house decided to install several such constructions in his yard, it is possible to purchase them in shops for gardeners. And if you want to save money, you can make them yourself. This task is simple. Even a beginner can handle it.
- 1 Advantages of flowerpots for flowers made of concrete
- 2 Product Specifications
- 3 Types of concrete vases
- 4 The shape and size of the flower bed
- 5 Using forms for the manufacture of flowerpots
- 6 Making concrete flowerpots with their own hands
- 6.1 Materials
- 6.2 Manufacturing process
- 7 Conclusion
Advantages of flowerpots for flowers made of concrete
Concrete vases have a lot of advantages. We list the main ones:
- low manufacturing cost;
- the ability to retain moisture, as well as maintain temperature.
These products have certain disadvantages. One of them is a lot of weight. This creates certain restrictions when moving these structures.
Product Specifications
Products placed on the street perform the following functions:
Decorative. Installing flowerpots for flowers allows you to create an amazing atmosphere of beauty and comfort not only in the yard, but also in the park. Currently, there is a wide variety of concrete flowerpots, which allows you to get the original design of any territory. Placing such flowerpots in the park or in the courtyard, you can emphasize the appearance of the plants, as well as the original shape that is inherent to them.
When using outdoor flowerpots for flowers, there is no need for planting. This function, which these constructions perform, is of great importance, since it allows to avoid traumatization of flowers and the root system.
Mobility. This feature is also inherent in outdoor concrete pots, thanks to which they have become popular. When it is cold or it rains heavily, in order not to hurt the plants, the flowerpots should be moved to another place. This is especially true when in concrete flower beds expensive flowers grow. By moving the outdoor pot, you can save valuable plants, many of which are afraid of low temperatures and excessive moisture.
Concrete flower beds look harmoniously with ceramics. The latter is an excellent option for decorating concrete vases. If you choose the right material, you can give these structures a style that will allow you to select a park area.
High demand for street vases is largely due to the fact that the cost of these products is low. If you decide to make such structures yourself, the cost of production will be small.
One of the advantages of the outdoor pot, made of concrete, is that they are able to withstand up to 200 phases of temperature gradients. Therefore, quite often for decorating the territory designers use flowerpots made of concrete only. Even when these products are under the open sky and exposed to the external environment, their design does not suffer and is firmly preserved. In this they are superior flower beds made of plastic.
If you decide to make a street pot of concrete with your own hands, then you should be aware of the following nuances: before the curing, concrete is a fairly practical material, which allows you to give it absolutely any shape.
As mentioned above, the main function performed by these products is decorative. In addition, they are used as a fence. By installing these vases, you can divide the territory into zones or protect a certain area. To ensure this, it is enough to install several designs. As a result, you get a double effect:
- the territory is decorated with flowerpots with bright colors;
- the territory is protected from vehicles.
Types of concrete vases
Nowadays, flower beds made of concrete are offered in a large assortment. Their main distinction is for use. In accordance with this stands out several varieties of these products:
room These flower beds can be portable and standard. Their shape can be both simple and complex;
- street. By the sizes they considerably surpass room designs;
- decorative. Their installation is reasonable to produce in those places where the task is to save each centimeter of the territory. Most often, these flower beds are located in the courtyards of small sizes.
The shape and size of the flower bed
Concrete pots designed for outdoors should be combined with the style of the surrounding area. So that they fit harmoniously, it is appropriate to use geometric shapes, in other places, perhaps, it may be reasonable to install vases that have extravagant notes.
If it is planned to install outdoor concrete flowerpots on a large area, then small products will look ridiculous, and vice versa, large flower gardens will not be very appropriate on a small courtyard.
The important point is the color of the installed pot. It must be remembered that the colors should not be brighter than the plants that are planted in it. In this regard, it is recommended to choose plain street vases, best emphasizing the style of the area on which the flower beds are installed.
The use of forms for the manufacture of flowerpots
Regardless of what function the products will perform, their quality characteristics and appearance depends on the form, which are used in the process of manufacturing outdoor vases. In them the solution from cement prepared in advance is located.
When the concrete has set, wait until it reaches the required density. Then you can break the form. So that it departs better from the finished product, the walls are smeared with a special solution. Sometimes used vegetable oil. Its use allows to reduce the adhesion of the material. Upon completion of the work, the mold must be thoroughly dried. Only after that it can be operated further.
The main material of which forms are made for the production of concrete vases, is polyvinyl chloride. With this material you can give the finished product the most difficult terrain. In addition to this material, in the manufacture of forms are used:
- silicone;
- plastic;
- gypsum.
Currently, there are several manufacturers of molds that can be used. for the production of concrete vases:
- Tikkurila - the average cost of forms of this manufacturer is 2000 rubles;
- Athena - this manufacturer offers forms for the manufacture of concrete flowerpots at a price ranging from 1,800 to 2,100 p .;
- Sibstroydvor - this company offers forms for potting of concrete at a price of 3100 r .;
- The center of landscape architecture offers forms at a price of 3,950 r.
Making concrete flowerpots with their own hands
People who have realized that they need concrete vases to decorate the courtyard of their country house are wondering if they can make the product with their own hands. Answering this question, we can say that this is possible, since the manufacturing technology is quite simple, and the time spent on the production of flowerpots is small. Being engaged in the manufacture of flower gardens with their own hands, you can save moneybecause the vases offered by manufacturers are much more expensive.
In order to make a pot of concrete, you will need the following materials:
- two containers of different sizes;
- cement;
- water;
- vegetable oil;
- spray gun.
First of all, it is necessary to prepare a container of such size, which will allow to get a pot of desired dimensions. Using a smaller vessel, it is possible to make a structure with concrete walls.
Manufacturing process
The procedure for making a pot of concrete includes specific set of stepswhich must be strictly followed.
все начинается с выполнения обработки внутренней стороны большой емкости и внешней стороны меньшей посудины. В ходе данного мероприятия используется vegetable oil;
- Next, you need to use a plastic pipe, which should be divided into 4 equal lengths. The length of each should be about 5 cm. They will be necessary for drainage;
- after that you can proceed to the preparation of cement mortar. If you are faced with the task of making a colored pot, then a dye should be added to the composition. When preparing the solution, it is necessary to maintain the following proportions: cement and sand are taken in a ratio of 2: 3 with the addition of water;
- when all the preparatory work is completed, you can proceed to the manufacture of the pot. At first it is necessary to fill with a solution a big vessel. The thickness of the layer of solution in it should be 2 cm;
- then you need to install 4 pieces of plastic pipe and wait for the mixture to set. After that it is necessary to place a small vessel in a large container. It should be positioned so that the tubes are completely covered. The space that has emerged between the small and large tanks must be eliminated using a solution;
- after a day there will be a full hardening of the cement mortar. Then a small pot can be extracted from a large one. After that, the concrete walls should be sprinkled with water. For seven days you need to keep a large pot. It is wrapped with foil and regularly wetted with water;
- after a week, you must carefully pull out the pot from the mold, and after that the pot can be considered completely ready. It is covered with soil, and then a favorite plant is planted in it.
Each owner of a country house wants to have a courtyard in front of his house, which is original and beautiful. Achieve this can be in different ways. One of them - installation on the site of concrete vases with your favorite plants. These designs are offered in many shops for gardeners. However, it is not necessary to buy these products.
The process of making them is quite simple, so you can make such a design with their own hands. For this you need to familiarize yourself with the production technology. It is simple even for a beginner. All stages of work that must be performed during production are described in the instructions that can be found on the Internet. Having made a flowerpot with your own hands, you will receive objects with which you can decorate your site, transforming it for the better.