Exhibition of furniture and accessories in Milan. More classics, unexpected, shocking and luxurious
Passing the gallery
Text: Oksana Kashenko
Magazine: (63)
Since the river of time does not stand on the spot, nothing remains eternal under the moon - even those seemingly immutable truths to which we daily turn. Notions about the classics do not stand aside, experiencing a kind of up-grade from year to year. The spring visits to the Milan exhibition are most revealing in this respect: there are no disappointed people, everyone remains surprised. So, from Milan with classics, no matter how unexpected it may seem ... They say that before it was better. Honey was sweeter, furs - warmer, diamonds cleaner, chair legs - sleeker, fabrics - more noble. And to argue with this is meaningless. Arguing about life, it is natural for a person to rely on his own knowledge, and what is known automatically passes into the category of what has been traversed, that is, the past. Classics are usually loved for the fact that it is all in the past. There is not a hint of modernity in it, which is still awaited by the test of time. So one day we faced a strange situation of paradoxical love for the obsolete forms of their centuries. Indeed, classic chairs are inconvenient, they cannot play the role of a home orthopedist, they do not have specially designed frames for those who are exhausted by the usual office osteochondrosis of the back ... But, denying everything created after the ar-nouveau, many manufacturers have been ready to scrupulously copy the classic for decades. . Everything has changed. Having visited Milan this spring, Louis XV would have been frapped upon learning what exactly today is called the style of his name. And Queen Anne might have given half the kingdom for possession of the produced FENDI a model whose pedigree originates from the chair she once loved. Today's classics keep pace with the times, actively dictating fashion. To follow her is sometimes a dangerous and costly pleasure. It is easy to lower a condition on "water-resistant" (exclusive development of FORMITALIA for one customer from Russia) headsets created from Plexiglas, leather, furs, rhinestones SWAROVSKI, ostrich feathers, silk velvet, beads and shreds of wood. Of course, this is an exaggeration: in one model it is impossible to combine all of the above. But as they say, in every joke ... Among the tendencies of this year, one can distinguish conservatism, play-playing, a combination of black and white, ethnic ... Convinced conservatives devoted their RS VALEO and SELVA collections, leaving, but only at first glance there have been hundreds of years in a row. BAXTER He showed a touching concern for impetuous playboys, by offering in the new catalog, among other things not needed in general, a magnificent leather set of bags and cases for accessories to the game of golf. The fashion for the combination of black and white touches now the theme of not symbolism, but only hopeless elegance (OAK, CHELINI, TURRI), clearly hinting at the futility of searching for more aristocratic combinations. Ethnic motifs were most vividly expressed in their new collection by the TURA company, taking the Polynesian colonial style as the basis. And almost all the companies found in their models three main trends of the year: epatage, luxury for the sake of luxury and wealth of related colors (FINE FORM ITALIA, FENDI, PROVASI, BELLONI, OAK). Indicative in this respect: the obelisk, sheathed with OAK crocodile skin (the company that glorified the whole world for the new interiors of the Kremlin in general and Pavel Borodin in particular), and the sofas of the same company iridescent with millions of shades of gold and brown. And, of course, the whole new collection of the BELLONI company, which used the above-mentioned ostrich feathers, shorn mink fur and so on and so forth to decorate the rugs and upholstery. Everything is in the same color scheme of pearl chocolate. In other words, more classic, unexpected, shocking and luxurious. And let it be different every year. All the same implicitly, we will be to her: after all, the lady with the past.