Выставка Eames & Hollywood проходит в брюссельском ADAM (Art & Design Atomium Museum). Это ретроспектива неопубликованных и малоизвестных фотографий знаменитых дизайнеров Чарльза и Рэй Имз со съемочных площадок их друга режиссера, продюссера и сценариста Билли Уайлдера.
The Golden Age of Hollywood. Backstage factory stars: places, film crews, scenery, movie characters ... In the photographs of Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart in Sabrina, a young Kirk Douglas on the set of Ace in the Sleeve, Wilder's favorite movie. Imzov’s photo archive has 750,000 prints — a work that, no doubt, influenced their design career. Life, film and design are combined in the camera lens. “What was important for them was the work of technicians, extras, makeup artists; equipment, various devices; not actors. The cinematographic method is how, in fact, cinema is created, ”says exhibition curator Alexandra Midal. Working closely with the Eames Office (Imz Foundation) and its president, Demetrios Imz, grandson of Charles and Ray, she painstakingly chose slides from thousands of family archives.
The California couple, the couple Charles and Ray Eames entered the history of world design as the authors of furniture made of curved plywood, La Chaise lounge chairs made of plastic reinforced with fiberglass (1948) and other masterpieces that Vitra and Herman Miller republish today. As well as his own avant-garde house, built in just four days: "the composition in the spirit of Mondrian on the lawn in Los Angeles."
Чарльз также создавал декорации для фильмов студии Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Рэй — обложки журнала Arts & Architecture. Они много работали как документалисты, создав более 85 короткометражных научно-популярных и тематических фильмов продолжительностью от 2 до 30. Разрабатывали фирменный стиль IBM, дизайн выставок, занимались городской планировкой. Eames & Hollywood показывает в общей сложности 240 фотографий из коллекции Eames Office (LA) и Библиотеки Конгресса США (Вашингтон, округ Колумбия). 150 из них вошли в богато иллюстрированный каталог.

The exhibition is open from March 20 to September 4, 2016.