Наличие бассейна на даче уже давно не является роскошью, ведь современные варианты в виде надувных и каркасных models имеют приемлемую стоимость, в результате чего обрели широкую популярность среди различных слоёв населения. Подобные водные процедуры — это и весело и полезно, так как именно вода может поддержать наше тело в тонусе, снять напряжение после работы и просто зарядить положительными эмоциями. Но вот такой результат можно получить только в том случае, если вода обладает должной чистотой и отсутствием вредных примесей, а, как известно, качество наших водных источников не всегда соответствует установленным нормам. Поэтому для очистки воды в бассейне принято использовать специальные фильтрационные установки различных видов, особенностям которых и будет посвящена данная статья.
- 1 Purpose filters for the pool, their types and characteristics
- 2 The principle of operation and manufacturers of sand filters for the pool
- 3 Recommendations for the selection, installation and operation of a sand filter
- 4 How to make a sand filter for the pool
Purpose of filters for the pool, their types and characteristics
As noted earlier, the quality of water in our reservoirs leaves much to be desired, therefore, in order to avoid the formation of pollution, turbidity and unpleasant smell pool filters. You must agree, it is much more pleasant and useful to swim in clean, free from unwanted impurities water. Moreover, science has long been aware of the properties of our skin to absorb water, thus giving its components access to the cells of the body. Therefore, when organizing a pool at the dacha, it is necessary to immediately pay due attention to the choice of the method of cleaning its filling.
The modern market offers us a lot models similar installations that can be combined into three large groups, namely:
- Диатомовые pool filters. Such filters are the most expensive and at the same time most effective, as they are able to trap foreign particles of 3-4 microns in size. The basis of the filtering substance is a diatom earth mixture made from silica of water and algae deposits. Inside this unit contains several cartridges of the above material. Maintenance is reduced to the periodic cleaning of these cartridges from the waste material, but such procedures must be carried out by specialists, as this is a rather hazardous waste that requires proper disposal. The cost of the diatom filter may vary. from 60 to 78 thousand rubles. depending on the level of performance (from 11 to 33 m3 / h) and filtration area (from 2.2 to 6.6 m2). Despite significant technical indicators, the high cost did not contribute to the wide distribution of these filters in our country;
- Cartridge filters for the pool. This is one of the most popular options, which combines the average cost and high rates of water purification, namely from impurities 5–10 microns in size. Polyester plates are mounted inside the structure, which retain particles. The advantage of such equipment in comparison with other types of filters can be called ease of care, since these cartridges are simply washed with water, and in the case of normal wear, replace with new ones. Such equipment has compact dimensions and is especially effective in conditions of limited water resources. The cost is in the range from 21 to 53 thousand rubles. depending on the capacity, which can be from 6 to 40 m3 / h. Disadvantage is the high cost of spare cartridges, namely, about 3−10 thousand rubles;
- Sand filters for the pool. This type of filter has gained wide popularity, primarily due to the most low cost. At its core, these are tanks filled with quartz sand, which actually acts as a filtering substance. Naturally, if you compare the size of the particles, which are delayed by the installation, the sand filters are significantly inferior to the previous two options, since this figure is 20−25 microns. But do not immediately abandon this device, as many experts believe that this is quite enough, especially if we recall that the human eye can recognize objects as small as 35 microns. The disadvantages of such devices include the frequency of periodic maintenance in the form of cleaning the filter with a reverse flow of water. The cost of these filters depends entirely on indicators such as performance, mass of sand, as well as the area and filtration rate, so this equipment can be bought as at an average price within 7−15 thousand RUB., and at a higher from 20 to 45 thousand rubles. The most expensive sand filter model has a cost of about 238 thousand rubles.
The principle of operation and manufacturers of sand filters for the pool
Sand filter для бассейна — это original scheme, which consists of the filter tank with filled quartz sand, pump, valve, skimmer, connecting elements, as well as a special tray on which this device is installed. First, the water in the pool is sucked using a skimmer, which, thanks to the pump, transfers water to the coarse filter, where it is freed from coarse debris. Then the sand retains the remaining particles, and the purified water is fed back into the pool. Thus, the water is constantly amenable to filtration, and the detected fractions remain in the sand.
Depending on the location of the valve, which regulates the modes of operation, sand filters can be divided into devices with side and top way to connect. The flasks themselves, as a rule, are made of such materials as polypropylene, fiberglass, polyethylene and their combination. There are many manufacturers of sand filters, but most often you can find products from companies such as:
- Sand filters company «Astral». This Spanish company has proven itself in the domestic market and occupies a leading position in sales. Produce their products in three main series, namely Cantabric, Millenium и Asterwhich differ in the production technology and used source materials. It should be noted that for some models will have to additionally purchase a valve;
- Sand filters «Hayward». The company presents its equipment in three series, namely Pro Top and Pro Side, the starting material for the manufacture of which is high-strength polyethylene, as well as NK, the equipment of which is made from laminated polyester additionally reinforced with fiberglass. The entire model range is equipped with a valve with 6 modes of operation, but the pump will have to be additionally purchased;
- Sand filters «Emaux Opus». On the counters of domestic stores you can find three series of this equipment, namely P (made of polyethylene and equipped with a top connection of the valve), V (the material is made of fiberglass, and the connection of the top valve) and S (has a side connection, and - fiberglass).
Recommendations for choosing, installing and operating a sand filter
Before you buy a specific model of sand filter, you should decide on required performance, for which it is enough to use a simple formula, namely, divide the volume of the volume of the existing pool by the number 5. In this way, you will know the filter performance in the unit of measurement m3. After this indicator is calculated, it is necessary, depending on your financial capabilities, to select the fraction and mass of quartz sand, since these particular features of this material affect the quality of water purification from impurities. The smaller the fraction of sand (for example, 0.4 mm) and the larger its weight (for example, 60 kg), the higher will be purification rate и соответственно стоимость equipment. Обращайте внимание также на способ подключения вентиля, который предназначен для управления работой фильтра.
Installing a water filter, of course, does not present any difficulties, but you should trust it all the same to the professionals, as it is necessary not only to assemble the device correctly, but also to connect it to the electrical grid. For installation you will need quartz sand in the right amount, the supporting concrete moisture resistant plate, drain hose and constructed drain well or pit. Installation is carried out in such sequences:
- neat quartz sand filling in the designated capacity;
- neck cleaning from grains of sand and body assembly;
- pump installation in close proximity to the filter itself;
- connection and fixing of suction, pressure, return and hose for backwash using clamps;
- validation of the connection and trial run equipment.
The operation of the sand pump involves a certain periodic maintenance. So, it is important to observe the weekly backwash, which is designed to clean the sand from pollution. It is this water that will enter the drain hole or specially equipped sealed well. Some models are equipped with a special indicator that indicates the need for such procedures. The quartz sand itself should be changed only once. 1-2 years.
Песчаные pool filters на сегодняшний день считаются наиболее востребованными, и в этом достаточно легко убедится, взглянув на количество производителей и разнообразие models присутствующих на рынке, а это означает, что спрос как всегда рождает предложение. Бассейн на дачном участке может стать самым лучшим местом отдыха, а может принести и ряд проблем, поэтому не стоит save on filtration installations, and to approach the choice of a particular model with all the responsibility.