Planting lawn grass in the country in the fall

How to plant lawn grassEach owner of the suburban area dreams of a beautiful lawn in front of his house. To achieve this is easy if you know about the features of its cultivation. And then get the coveted green lawn in front of his country estate is not difficult.

One of the important points in obtaining a beautiful lawn is the timing of its landing. Not everyone knows that high-quality lawn grass of optimum height is obtained only if the lawn lands in the spring or autumn months.

Landscape design specialists do not recommend planting lawn grass during the summer months. This is due to the fact that during this period dry weather prevails. And, it means that lawn grass crops will not grow. Therefore, it is best to sow the lawn in the autumn period of the year.


  • 1 Why is it better to sow in the fall?
  • 2 Site preparation for lawn
    • 2.1 Drainage for lawn on wet ground
  • 3 Planting seeds
  • 4 Regular watering - a pledge of beautiful lawn
  • 5 Advantages and disadvantages of subwinter seeding
    • 5.1 Virtues
    • 5.2 Disadvantages
  • 6 Conclusion

Why is it better to sow in the fall?

In the autumn months the air is quite humid, while the temperature is moderate. That is, there are almost optimal conditions for emergence of lawn grass. There is another positive point in the autumn planting lawn - weeds grow worse. All of these factors contribute to:

  • fast beating;
  • formation of a sustainable root system of plants.

After some time, the owner will be able to get a beautiful lawn on his site.

If you sow grass seed at the end of August or September, you can get a beautiful lawn up to 10 cm high before the first autumn frosts. In order to grow a beautiful lawn from the first time, it is necessary to carry out work on preparing the site where the lawn grass will be planted.

Site preparation for lawn

How to prepare the site for planting grassTo get on your site a beautiful lawn, you must prepare the site in August. Planting lawn seeds should be done by the end of September. Before planting lawn grass, you must give it a rest for three weeks.

Site preparation involves:

  • debris removal;
  • all residues of plants that are present on it should also be removed;
  • if there are diseased trees or bushes on a piece of land that you took under the lawn, they should also be uprooted.

After that, the ground must be dug up. to the depth of a full bayonet shovels. To facilitate the task of pest control when grooming a lawn, it is possible to carry out chemical treatment of the site in advance using herbicidal agents. If the site has been started or has not been looked after for a long time, then it is necessary to at least twice treat the area in which the lawn will be planted.

Drainage for a lawn on the moistened soil

If the soil in your area is excessively wet, then in this case it is necessary to carry out work on the device drainage system.

  1. To do this, remove the shovel upper fertile layer and set aside;
  2. After that, the cleaned area is rammed and then filled with pebbles. Instead, you can use broken bricks. You should have a layer thickness of 15-20 m;
  3. On top of this layer, then you need to lay coarse sand layer of 10 cm;
  4. After that, everything should be carefully leveled. For this, a special rink is usually used. If there is no such machine at your disposal, then you can use an ordinary log. When leveling it is necessary to make a bias towards tracks or drainage pit;
  5. After the alignment is completed, it is necessary to put in place a fertile layer of earth, which was removed at the beginning of work.

A prerequisite for obtaining a beautiful and high-quality lawn is fertilizer areaallotted to the lawn. It is necessary to use mineral fertilizers, which will allow to get good grass shoots next year, which will grow evenly.

Planting seeds

What seeds to plantPlanting seeds газонной травы — непростое занятие. Это дело имеет немало нюансов, о которых следует знать. Чтобы понять, как сеять газонную траву правильно, нужно уяснить следующий момент — посадка газона должна производиться при отсутствии сильного ветра. Этот процесс начинается с полива земли, для чего используется разбрызгиватель. Далее можно начинать сажать семена, ориентируясь на следующую dosage - 40-70 gr. on 1 square. m. If you have chosen autumn as the timeline for planting a lawn, then the number of seeds per 1 square meter. m should be increased. In the spring, when the first shoots appear, it is possible to produce seeding on those areas where the seeds have not sprouted.

In some cases, when planting a mixture intended for planting, mixed with soil or sand, adhering to a ratio of 1: 1. However, this practice can be abandoned. To facilitate the task of planting a lawn, use a planter or a short wave of the arm, moving evenly over the area set aside for the lawn.

More seeds are sown on the track, as well as on the edges of the plot. As an additional measure, you can make peat, which is an excellent fertilizer. When this work is completed, it is necessary to pass the roller through the sown area. Care must be taken, otherwise the wind will inflate the seeds. After that you can irrigate the area of ​​your future lawn by sprinkling.

Regular watering - a pledge of beautiful lawn

Lawn grass careA beautiful lawn will be on your site only if the ground on which the lawn grass grows, will be constantly hydrated. Soil drying should be avoided. It is necessary to water the green lawn regularly. It needs to be done every day. If you skip watering, it will lead to drying out of the soil, which will have a negative impact on the future lawn - some young shoots will not sprout, and you will have to carry out the seeding. When watering you need to know the measure. In depth, the soil should be moistened to 10 cm, while the puddles in the area should be absent.

Landscape Designers recommend sowing lawn grass until October 15. In this case, you can count on a quick entry of crops of grass. The shoots will grow well and their freezing during the winter period will be excluded. With the beginning of the spring period, they will continue their development and after a while will turn into a beautiful lawn.

It is desirable to calculate autumn sowing of lawn grass so that it reaches a height of at least 10 cm before frost. This point should be taken into account when performing lawn mowing. The last time it should be held in late October. After that, all remnants of mowed grass are removed, and along with them, fallen leaves and branches. To remove them from the lawn using a garden rake.

If clay soil predominates in your summer cottage, and after every rain the water stagnates, then it is necessary to aerate the area where your lawn grows. To do this, dig the soil to a depth of 10-20 cm in dry weather. The easiest way to do this is using garden forks. In carrying out this exercise, water will be drained into the deep layers of the soil, and the roots will receive a breath of air, which will affect the improved growth of the lawn grass.

The young lawn, which appeared on your site, you need to mow before the first frost. This should be done immediately after the shoots turn green. If you sowed lawn grass in the first weeks of September, then before cooling, the grass will be 10 cm high. This is exactly what you need. In this case, do not need to cut. Everything is limited to the usual trimming tips.

Advantages and disadvantages of subwinter seeding

Being engaged in planting lawn grass in the fall, you should be aware that the weather during this period of the year brings a lot of surprises. It is not uncommon freeze immediately after sowing. To avoid such trouble, many gardeners sow seeds after they have slight freezing of soil.

This method of planting a lawn called podzimny. The main difference from autumn is that sowing does not take place in September, but in November. Seeds are sown immediately before the appearance at the bottom of the snow cover. In order for the seedlings not to die, it is necessary to lay them in the ground when the outside temperature is above zero. After that, the seeds must be mulched using peat chips.


When is it best to plant grassThe main advantage of the subwinter seeding is that in the spring the site owner can get active shoots of lawn grass. Frosting in the winter is good for them, giving them extra strength. When melting snow occurs, shoots get large amount of moisturewhich allows them to grow more actively. In addition, with such a crop, you will not have to wait until the earth warms well.

By choosing this option of planting a lawn, the following year in summer you can get a beautiful and thick lawn on your plot. Another advantage of this method of planting is that the lawn grass that appeared next year is resistant to high temperatures and frost. In addition, the lawn becomes resistant to pests, which are the main threat to a beautiful lawn.


But along with the pluses for the subwinter lawn seeding certain disadvantages are characteristic.

  • If the plot has a strong bias, then this option of planting a lawn is not the best solution. In spring, the meltwater will wash away the seeds planted in the winter.
  • After the soil freezes, rarely a positive temperature for several days. And in this case, the seeds simply can not quickly swerve and die in the first frost. The chances of lawn sprouting in the spring can be increased by increasing the seeding rate in the fall. In the spring, overseeding is produced in those areas where it has not risen.


Beautiful lawn - the dream of every owner of the dacha. If you decide to break the lawn in front of the house, you can on their own at no extra cost. It is enough to buy lawn grass, which is in any store for gardeners. However, you should be aware that a beautiful, high-quality lawn cannot be obtained quickly, even if you know when to sow lawn grass best. If you have sown grass and it has risen, it’s just great. However, no need to relax. You should constantly take care of the lawn, water and fertilize the soil. In this case, your lawn will quickly turn green and turn into a luxurious lawn that you dreamed about.