In developing the concept of Disney’s Moscow office, the UNK project architects wanted to create a fairy-tale world atmosphere.

Text: Nina Farizova
A photo: Sergey Ananiev
Project author: Nikolay Milovidov, Anna Dykhanova
Magazine: N10 (198) 2014
The design project was based on the story "Alice in Wonderland". Therefore, the entire office space resembles a mysterious forest. Wooden panels in the reception area, open engineering systems with a thoughtful pattern on the ceiling, lamps (made according to architects' sketches), silhouettes of trees on glass partitions — all this creates a complete sense of a walk in a fairytale forest. The layout of the space is a “chessboard” with, as it were, enlarged individual cells: work areas, classrooms, meeting rooms. Each turn of the “path” was designed as a soft zone. This decision itself is also a game: the chairs resemble the images of fantastic heroes encountered by Alice. “It was especially pleasant for us,” says Anna Dykhanova, the project author, “that company employees understood all our ideas and from the first days of work they actively began to use every detail of the created space.”