Making tracks on the summer cottage or the local area has become a very fashionable and popular activity. This is understandable, because paving slabs (paving stone) are very durable and high-quality material that makes any yard clean and tidy. However, to lay out a tile, even a small area near the house will cost the owner a “pretty penny”, since this finishing material is not cheap. An advantageous option is to make paving slabs yourself. Before talking about manufacturing technology paving stones, you need to decide what it is and what types of tiles are.
- 1 Types of paving slabs
- 2 How to make paving tiles?
- 3 Preparation of tile mortar
- 4 Laying paving own hands
Types of paving slabs
Pavement in the Russian market is found two kinds - made by vibropress and vibratory casting. Both production methods are actively used in domestic enterprises.
Vibrated the tile is intended for registration of sites of houses. It is laid out where large loads are not planned. The tile is designed for a small number of people who will walk on it. Also, it is not suitable for registration tracks under the car. This tile is easy to find and buy. The production process of this building material is simple, so there are many sellers of this product on the market. The high demand for vibrated concrete pavement tiles is also due to the fact that it is made from white concrete, which can be easily repainted.
Вибропрессованная the tile, on the contrary, is intended for intensive and constant loadings. As a rule, it is used for paving of pedestrian zones and sidewalks, in a word, those places where active movement is planned. In some European cities, even the carriageways are covered with such tiles. Immediately it is worth noting that for the roads on which the cars will drive, it is better to use paving stones of small size. Pressure on it will be less than greater, which means that the probability of a fracture will decrease significantly.
To make vibropressed track coating can not afford everything. Only large enterprises and factories have the necessary equipment for the production of paving stones.
Vibropressed tiles are durable, durable and frost resistant. However, there is not much choice in color and texture.
How to make paving tiles?
For the manufacture of paving slabs need to prepare a special equipment. Наиболее дорогостоящее вложение — покупка бетономешалки. Vibrotable, который понадобится для заливания форм, можно также сделать самому. Некоторые используют в качестве оборудования обычную стиральную машину, которая делает вибрационные движения. Что касается самих формочек, то их можно купить в любом строительном магазине по достаточно низкой стоимости. Лучше выбирать form from quality material, the average price per item - 30−40 rubles. Also, to create your own paving slabs you will need a metal bucket with a volume of at least ten liters, a shovel, pallets and gloves.
The production process can be divided into several major stages:
- preparation of forms for tiles;
- приготовление solution;
- vibratory casting;
- excerpt;
- stripping.
At the first stage, the forms should be treated with a special lubricant; before each stripping, they should be thoroughly washed out. Grease лучше купить в магазине, так как приготовить ее самостоятельно достаточно сложно даже опытному строителю. Далее нужно приготовить раствор, об этом подробно расскажем в следующем разделе, потому что этот процесс наиболее важный. Когда смесь бетона готова, нужно залить ею формы и поставить их на вибростол. Он не должен быть сильно перегружен, так как от этого зависит будущее состояние Вашей плитки. Когда стол начинает вибрировать, бетон постепенно засыхает и начинает прилипать к стенкам. Этот процесс занимает несколько минут. Если Вы перевернете form, и ее содержимое останется на месте, значит все идет, как надо. Vibrotable It is necessary to disconnect when a white film appears on the concrete. This means that the last air left the solution. Next, the forms must be removed on pallets out of the sun. In a day you can make a scraper, and you will become the happy owner of your own tile. After each use the form should be washed with a solution with a large amount of salt.
Preparation of tile mortar
Before cooking solution need to prepare a concrete mixer. Rinse its walls with water. Due to the high humidity, the concrete will mix better.
For the solution you need to prepare the following materials:
- cement, its brand should not be lower than A-Ш-400;
- pigment dye;
- plasticizer C-3;
- granite screenings.
Then you can start preparing plasticizer. For 40 liters of concrete you need 200 grams of this substance in a dry form. At first it is dissolved in 1 liter of hot water, it is better to add it a little bit from a measuring glass. The precipitate should be completely dissolved.
Special attention should be paid to the preparation of the pigment dye. In the composition of the concrete, its quantity must be at least 2% of the total number of components. 800 grams of dye should be diluted in 3 liters of water with a temperature of 50 degrees. It is necessary to mix the solution thoroughly so that there is no precipitation. Next, the mixture should be mixed with screening and bring to a homogeneous mass.
Laying paving slabs своими руками
Before proceeding directly styling paving stones, сначала нужно отчистить территорию от мусора, камней и дерна. Далее нужно разместить колышки по краям будущей дорожки или площадки на глубине 5 см. По этому уровню нужно натянуть шнур, который будет своего рода уровнем. Территорию нужно выровнять граблями и утрамбовать. Обязательно нужно сделать уклон. Он может быть как поперечным, так и продольным. Далее прокладывают необходимые коммуникации.
The next step in the process of laying paving slabs is to create "pillows"From the sand, which serves as a drainage system. Sand is filled up, leveled and poured over with water. For strength on the sand you need to lay out crushed stone or sand-cement mixture. After this, it is imperative to perform a tie stitch.
The final stage - laying out paving stones. По фаске натягивают шнур, чтобы ставить плитку максимально ровно. Начинать процесс укладки нужно от бордюра, двигаясь от себя. С помощью специальных крестовин, можно соблюдать равные расстояния между швами плитки.
If the tile keeps within with defects, it can always be shifted again. Using the level you need to align the pavement. If everything is smooth and beautiful, the seams are covered with sand-cement mixture and filled with water. Uneven edges trimmed grinder. Debris is swept away from the new walkway from the paving slabs and sand is removed. You can fix the path border, which is installed on the cement.
Laying out paving slabs with their own hands - rather troublesome, but profitable occupation. Step-by-step instructions will help you to make smooth and beautiful paths near the house, and most importantly - to save a lot on the purchase of finished tiles.