How to protect wood from decay

Wood protection from decayFrom ancient times to the present day, wood is an indispensable building material. It has a number of positive characteristics, thanks to which it is highly valued among buyers.

But, despite all the advantages, the wood is very vulnerable and rotting, so any wooden object is subject to mandatory processing.

Causes rotting tree, the following:

  • air humidity is the main enemy of wood;
  • temperature drops, contributing to the expansion or contraction of the tree;
  • condensate that accumulates in the wood and does not come out of it;
  • frost penetration;
  • contact with the ground.


  • 1 Means and drugs for wood processing
  • 2 Manufacturers of wood products from decay
  • 3 How to choose the right tool?
  • 4 Wood processing technology
  • 5 Reviews

Means and preparations for wood processing

Measures to prevent decay, it is advisable to carry out from the moment of procurement of materials for construction.

The decay of wood reduces its density, gradually leading to loosening and destruction of the structure, which is very dangerous for human life and health, therefore it is imperative to carry out the treatment.

To prevent It is possible to rot wood if once a year you carefully inspect the surface of a wooden building at intervals. About unpleasant smell and a white film will testify to rotting in the infected places.

Signs of rotting wood are characteristic smell of rot and white, thin film, in places infected with spores of rot and mold.

Depending on the the source, causing the process of decay of the tree, will depend on measures to prevent it.

  • For example, vapor barrier and heat insulation protects wood from condensation.
  • Защиту от атмосферной влажности обеспечат специальные paints и лаки.
  • Natural sunlight drying will also get rid of excess moisture.
  • Наиболее распространенными и действенными in ways являются методы консервации и применение антисептика. Atнцип работы данных методов заключается в отравляющем воздействии препарата на возбудителей гниения.

Wood ProtectionProtective facilities usually presented in the form of paints, varnishes and antiseptics. The use of paints will not only protect the tree from rotting, but also refresh the appearance. With the help of varnishes, it is possible to prevent the appearance of cracks, give the tree a matte or glossy look, and also avoid fading of the surface.

Application of antiseptic agents it is advisable already at the stage of the appearance of mold. When choosing a tool, you must carefully read the instructions, as some drugs are suitable only for internal processing, for example, inside the house, and some - only for external.

For example, combined antiseptics suitable only for external processing, as they are toxic.

If we compare the means of decay of wood at a cost, then it should be said that paints and varnishes are more expensive than antiseptics, and to prevent rotting, you need to purchase a considerable amount of paint. So the use of antiseptic is much more beneficial from both practical and economic side.

Manufacturers of wood products from decay

Russian quality remedy for decaying wood is “Sagus”, It protects the surface and returns the tree a beautiful and healthy appearance. The cost of 1 l is 90 rubles.

Often in demand means protecting the surface from rotting are Neomid and Liga Bioschit.

A means of decay "Neomide 500»Disinfects the surface, preventing infection by virtually all types of fungus, and is also able to cope with the" neglected "stage of decay. “Preserve” the resulting treatment according to the manufacturer’s advice should be made using the same Neomid 440 or Neomid 450 series. Prices for these drugs reach 700 rubles per 5 kg. "League Bioschit" working no worse than "Neomid", is much lower, since the price is from 103 rubles per 5 liters.

Wood protection from decayAntiseptic "Senegh»Protects wood from rotting and mold, depending on the purpose, antiseptics are divided for processing wood both outside and inside, as well as for rooms with high humidity.

Данный антисептик также подойдет для повторной обработки поверхностей, кроме тех, которые были обработаны ранее масляными facilitiesми.

This tool is able to protect the surface up to 35 years. On top of it you can apply paint, varnish, glue and other substances. It is worth "Senezh" from 550 rubles. For 5 liters.

Drevosan Profi protects the tree from insects and fungi, as well as from mold. This tool can be applied as already on the infected surface, and as a preventive measure. This tool is more suitable for external processing. Price for 1 l from 120 rubles.

How to choose the right tool?

At choosing защитного facilities необходимо учитывать индивидуальные особенности объекта, место его расположения, цели его постройки.

For example, если объект находится в прибрежной зоне либо в самом помещении постоянно сохраняется высокий уровень влажности, то необходимо подобрать средство, которое будет защищать древесину при температурных перепадах. Такие facilities в среднем действуют до 12 лет.

It is also necessary to take into account that often the properties of the preparation are designed not only to prevent rotting, but also to defense from igniting wood. The validity of such "multifunctional" means up to 7 years.

Террасы или беседки лучше обрабатывать трудносмываемыми facilitiesми, одной обработки обычно достаточно на 35 лет.

Wood protection from decaySpecial solutions предусмотрены также для заборов, окон и иных объектов, имеющих закругления. Такие solutions специально направлены на defense от трещин и обеспечивают равномерную по всей поверхности усадку дерева.

Process wood often not necessary, but the first warning sign requiring additional treatment is the appearance of cracks on the surface. Modern manufacturers offer a number of impregnations that prevent the destruction of wood. For example, "Woody doctor", "Elkon", "Bioks" помогают избавиться от плесени и fungus, а также подходят для внутренней и наружной обработки. Данные марки изготовлены в России. Из самых качественных препаратов зарубежных производителей можно назвать Средства компании «Dulux», которая славится большим выбором пропиток против fungus, and Alcator products penetrate deep into the wood and dries quickly, and the treated wood serves for a very long time.

Wood processing technology

Wood processing can be carried out by various in ways.

When preparing the material for construction, processing is usually carried out by immersion in the solution. This method requires special equipment.

If the material was laid without processing, you can use the method sprayingwhich also protects against rotting, but has a small depth of penetration. For temporary protection, this method is well suited.

How to protect woodОбеспечить defense при помощи распыления можно, когда объект уже построен. Перед нанесением вещества нужно хорошо подготовить объект, очистив его от пыли и грязи, и затем нанести средство два либо три раза с промежутком в 15 минут. Существуют общие правила нанесения препарата:

  • you need to start to clear wood from dirt and dust;
  • use sandpaper to get rid of gaps;
  • wash any board with warm water;
  • dry the boards completely;
  • apply a protective agent as many times as indicated in the instructions.

When processing is important Caution handle the substance, ensuring your own safety. The product should not get into the skin, eyes, in case of contact, you should immediately wash off the chemical with water. When using the method of spraying is necessary to ensure the safety of the respiratory system.

Today, there are many tools and preparations that prevent wood rotting, so you can build a house or other wooden objects, without fear that they may soon collapse. And most importantly, do not forget to comply with all necessary security measures.


Первый раз я построил дачу в 90-х. По весне примерно 50% досок стали «синими», то есть прогнили. Денег на замену досок не было, а о химических facilitiesх тогда не знали, так дача и «пропала». Недавно построил новую и сразу обработал антисептиком «Senegh». Прошло уже больше полугода — никаких намеков на «синеву» не наблюдаю, буду надеяться, что так будет и дальше.


I love wood houses very much, I immediately feel the Russian soul, warmth, it becomes cozy. Therefore, we have sheathed our dacha with wood. Neighbors advised to treat the antiseptic, which also protects against burning. Since we do not often come to the cottage and do not live here, then after such treatment you feel calmer. 2.5 years have passed and so far I like everything, the logs are new, they do not rot.


Once I helped to build a house in which the floors in some rooms were treated with an antiseptic, and others with ordinary diesel fuel, since the antiseptic had run out and it was far to follow him. A year later, I came to visit and was surprised that the floors in all the rooms looked the same and were in good condition, did not rot. And yet, for myself, I decided that these antiseptics are less harmful to humans.
