Nothing is more fun on a hot day than swimming in the cool water of a pool. But the quality of water running through water pipes leaves much to be desired. Do not forget that the man himself “brings” into the pool water thousands of microbes that can reproduce almost in the blink of an eye. If you don’t take the time to clean the water, it becomes dirty, gets a green color and an unpleasant smell, which means that it will become not only unsuitable for swimming, but also dangerous. From this it follows that the water must be promptly and continuously cleaned. Even in ancient times, people adapted to use for this fish. But nowadays it is much easier to clean the pool water. For this, all you need is to purchase or independently make a filter.
- 1 What is a pool filter?
- 2 Types of filters, their pros and cons
- 3 How to make a floating pool filter by yourself
- 4 Sand filter for the pool do it yourself
What is a pool filter?
Filter for the pool представляет собой специальное приспособление, которое предназначено для очистки воды от вредных химических соединений, грязи, кусочков ржавчины и разнообразной болезнетворной живности. Благодаря ему вода становится clean and transparent, and, therefore, safe for humans. In fact, a pool filter is a closed cylinder of a cylindrical shape, in which there are cartridges with a special filtering substance, which varies depending on the type.
Types of filters, their pros and cons
Depending on the principle of action emit 3 main types of filters:
- Chemical. They are able to disinfect water from all microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria. The disadvantages of such filters in their large size and bulkiness. But, more importantly - being in the water purified by such a filter is limited due to the negative effects of chemicals on human skin. After bathing, be sure to take a shower. Part of the problem is solved when buying an expensive filter - they use a more benign mode.
- Mechanical. In this case, the water passes through a layer of cleaning substance: sand, earth mixture, or a special cartridge. Such filters will be much cheaper, their sizes are small. But they effectively purify water from both microorganisms and debris. Their main flaw - Mechanical filters should be used only in small pools.
- Combined filters are a combination of mechanical and chemical filters. This is an ideal option for a pool, but rather expensive, therefore in pools in its plots set extremely rare.
Depending on the filtering substance, the filters are divided into sandy, earthy and with the use of cartridges.
Sand filters today - the most popular due to the price available to a wide range of buyers. But the advantages of this type of filters end here.
Sand filter is a plastic tankfilled with sand through which water is pumped. Impurities - if the particle size does not exceed 20 microns - are deposited in the sand. This figure is not considered high, so sand filters are suitable only for small pools in private areas.
Maintenance of this filter is also inconvenient. To clean the sand need a reverse flow of water, which leads to a large flow of it.
When choosing a sand filter should pay attention to kind of sand: the glass is of the highest quality and durable, but also quartz can last up to 3 years.
Cartridge filter - This is a container with several cylindrical cartridges filled with special material. They can hold the smallest particles (up to 5 microns), easy to use: cartridges are easy to clean and replace. The price of such filters is different from the price of the earth for the better.
Earth filter considered the highest quality. In the cartridges of such filters - a special earthen mixture, which consists of particles of fossil plankton. These filters are also cleaned using reverse flow water. In addition to the advantages, there are disadvantages of using earth filters. First of all, high price makes them not as accessible as sand filters, and secondly, due to the high toxicity of the earth mixture when replacing cartridges that are unsuitable for further use with new ones, the help of specialists is required.
How to make a floating pool filter by yourself
It’s not so easy to make a filter yourself; besides, it’s impossible to do it with improvised means - you will need to purchase some mechanisms and parts. In addition, its efficiency will be significantly lower than that of the purchased filters.
You can make a simple Floating filter for the pool. To do this, you need to purchase cartridges with a diameter of at least 50 mm, propylene pipes (length - 2 m), hairpin section and angular rotation - the diameter is also 50 mm.
All parts are assembled. Hole holes for studs, insert it into the cap and turn. For fixing you can use the nut.
Joins the other side pump for aquarium. To keep the structure afloat, a piece of foam is fixed on the pipe.
The resulting filter is necessary clean every dayrinsing under running water.
Sand filter for the pool do it yourself
For the manufacture of sand filter need to pick up plastic barrel medium size - about 60 liters. The main thing - the upper entrance should be wide enough.
- The barrel should be installed near the pool and filled with sand - the main thing is that it should not be too small, ideal - quartz. Additionally, you can make a layer of activated carbon or graphite. In any case, more than three layers are not recommended.
Next, you need to connect the pump, one end - to the barrel, the second, with a hose - to the drain.
- Such a filter also needs daily cleaning. For this, the sediment needs to be turned off and put into the washing mode for 5 minutes. Sand must be compacted, and then again switch the filter to filter mode.
Thus, it is quite possible to make your own filter for the pool. Although its efficiency will be slightly lower than that of industrial, it will significantly save on pool water treatment.